Her mother had retired from the State a few years ago to care for her mother. Her childhood home had been equipped for wheelchair access as her grandmother could only walk for so long. A few steps here and there.
She’d always been raised to care for those you love and it was never a doubt in her mind Josie would have to come first in her life after Colleen’s death.
Kurt couldn’t and wouldn’t accept that and it was better they ended things when they had.
“My father was kind of a dick,” Avery said. “He was selfish and didn’t ever help my mother out with anything. I know they fought about it. My mother ended up doing it all on her own and she’d told him he might as well leave as he served no purpose if she was supporting him.”
Probably not the best memories to have as a kid, but it was what she had.
“You get your strength from her,” Laine said. “But that doesn’t mean you need to get your stubbornness from her.”
“I know. She’d agree too, but it’s the pot calling the kettle there.”
“Let’s talk about more cheerful topics. What colors are you putting in this place?”
She laughed. “Josie is picking out her bedroom colors. Well, just her bedroom. The extra room we are doing one wall in blackboard paint and then she’s going to put murals on the other three walls.”
Laine clapped her hands quietly. “A girl after my own heart.”
“Yes. I told you she likes to paint and draw. I’d like to sign her up for lessons with you if I can.”
“Of course,” Laine said. “I’ve got a kids’ class that starts in September one night a week or we can do one-on-one lessons.”
“How about both if she is interested?” she asked. “I think she’d benefit from the group one to meet kids. The one-on-one because I think she needs that in her life too.”
“Then that is what we’ll do,” Laine said. “And what about down here for you? Did you decide on colors?”
“I’m leaving it white,” she said. Laine wrinkled her nose. “I’m going to add color with artwork. Maybe a picture of yours here or there.” Laine laughed. “I also told Josie we will frame what she does and hang it up.”
“That’s so sweet,” Laine said. “I’ve got a housewarming gift for you. It’s not done yet. Part of me wanted to see the colors in the house before it was complete, but I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s all staying white.”
“Not really,” she said. “And thank you.”
“When are you going to the clinic? I expected you’d be there today.”
“We went last night for a bit. I need to focus on getting Josie set up in the house today. I met Carter last night. Scared the crap out of me when I saw the truck and the door unlocked.”
“Ohhhhh,” Laine said. “What did you think of him?”
It was the look in Laine’s eye that had her laughing. “He’s kind of cute in a quiet awkward way.”
“He is,” Laine said. “Totally not my type. I like my men a little more outgoing. I’ve talked to Carter a few times when he’s done work on my car. You get the facts and nothing more.”
She wouldn’t say that Carter didn’t know Laine’s name. No reason to do that.
“I can appreciate that,” Avery said. “I was probably talking more than I should have, but he walked me around. I can’t believe the amount of work it looks as if the island put into the building.”
“I’m sure it made you uncomfortable and you feel indebted.”
“A little,” she said. “But I told myself if they want me to start working right away, it needed to be done before that.”
“Thank Carter,” Laine said. “I’m on the town board, you know that. But he pushed hard. He got the Bond Trust to put a lot of money in for the bigger ticket items, then organized the group and work to be done.”
“Really?” she asked. “For a stranger?” Talk about going above and beyond.
“He loves his dog. Did you meet Dopey?”
“I did. A beautiful dog. He says he’s got a puppy named Doc at home.”