Adele was trying to appear unaffected, but fear flickered in her gaze.
"I imagine you'll be hearing from his lawyers very soon, but I doubt that will be the extent of his wrath," Rowan drove the point home. "He once told me that when he knocks an enemy down, they stay that way."
"I'm not his enemy. I’m his lover!" the supermodel shrieked.
Unimpressed, Rowan continued, "You have stitched yourself up nicely and I think you know that Sander isn't a forgive and forget kind of guy."
After tapping her screen, the women's voices played from the phone's speakers, replaying the conversation they'd just had.
Adele leaped for the phone, screaming, claiming it was all a joke, but the bodyguard was there, and he didn't let the furious supermodel within a foot of Rowan.
"Rowan!" Her mother's distraught tone halted her. "You recorded us?"
"I did. I sent the recording and the photos to Sander already. Don't bother trying to convince me to keep this little drama between ourselves."
"I wasn't going to. But Adele and he…the pictures. After Cyrus…your own father. You know men cheat."
Hadn't she been listening? It was because of them that Rowan knew the difference. "Petty, insecure men with no honor cheat, Mom. Not men like Sander."
"You really believe in him."
"Yes." More than that, Rowan loved him.
However, the first person who was going to hear those words was going to be Lysander.
"I thought the pictures were real, that Ms. Fournier was doing us a favor by talking to you."
"Did you really? Or did you think that Cyrus had found a way to drive a wedge between me and Sander? I don't know why you think I would ever go back to that waste of space, but it will never happen. I don't care what that costs you and Father socially, or even financially. I'm done being a family pawn."
"Women do what they have to for their family, Rowan."
That sounded more like her mother.
Rowan just shook her head and walked away. She and Vanessa Johnson were never going to agree on what that meant.
One day, she hoped she'd have her own children and she would never, ever allow them to be used as bargaining chips.
She would never counsel her daughter, or her son for that matter, to stay with an unfaithful spouse.
Lysander's phone buzzed with a text. Maybe Rowan had finished lunch with her mother early.
He grabbed his phone and opened their text thread.
Rowan:Cyrus had (maybe still has) a private investigator following you in Tokyo.
Several photos came through and each one increased the dread inside him until he was clammy with fear. An experience he'd never before encountered.
By the time an attached recording came through, he was throwing his clothes into the garment bag and barking orders over the phone to the top company executive he'd brought with him for this trip.
"You'll have to handle the rest of the negotiations. I won't be there."
"But Lysander, it's you they want to talk to. Mr. Takamasa made that clear. It's a respect thing. If you leave now, he could very well back out of the deal."
"I am aware."
"Good," the other man sounded relieved.