"Handle it. I'm flying back to Athens as soon as there's a takeoff slot for the jet."

The executive was still squawking when Lysander hung up and sent a barrage of texts to his people. He wanted the jet ready for takeoff within the hour and a takeoff slot arranged.

He told Klaus to get their techs on the photos to figure out what had been done to create them. He was sure his head of security was already looking into the PI working for Cyrus angle.

Then he dialed his brother's number.

"Lysander, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Cyrus asked, sounding so damn smug.

"I would have been happy to leave it at slapping your wrists with the land developer deal and cutting you out of the negotiations with Takamasa and his conglomerate, but now I will not rest until Andino Enterprises is in bankruptcy."

"What the hell? You can't threaten me, Lysander."

"It wasn't a threat." Lysander hung up and blocked Cyrus's number mid-ring.

His father's call came minutes later. Lysander blocked him too. If he lost Rowan over this, he was going to make sure that not only was Andino Enterprises destroyed, but he would burn his father and brother's entire lives down to ash.

Once he was on the way to the airport, he called Rowan.

~ ~ ~

Rowan's phone rang and she saw it was a video call from Lysander. Unfortunately, she was on another call, and she had to reject the video chat request. She'd been trying to connect to the woman well known for her philanthropic ventures the past two weeks.

She texted her lover to apologize.Sorry I couldn't take your call. Talking to a potential donor. I'll let you know when I'm done.

Twenty minutes later, she hung up from a successful call with the donor. The woman would be hosting a table at the gala as well as committing to a generous monthly contribution.

Wanting to share her good news and yes, curious to find out what Lysander thought of Cyrus and Adele's machinations, she tried to return his video call. It didn't connect and there was no text forthcoming.

He must be in a meeting.

A little deflated but reminding herself that she'd see him in person soon enough, Rowan went back to work.

Her phone rang again a half an hour later. It was the sat phone from the plane.

Rowan quickly swiped to accept the call. "Hello?"


Sander. "Why are you calling me from the plane?"

"I'm flying home."

"Did you finish your negotiations then?"


"Then why are you flying back to Athens?" Seeing the time, she quickly closed down her computer and texted her bodyguard to bring the car.

"You ask me that after sending me those photos?" There was an odd quality to Lysander's voice.

He almost sounded a little unhinged.

"I know they're problematic, but do you really think they're that big of a deal? I'm pretty sure Klaus has it covered." That's why she'd copied him on the texts, so he could start working on the problem immediately. "Are you worried the Japanese conglomerate will back out because of them?"

"No," Lysander said, his voice strangled.

He was really upset.