It infuriated Cyrus, making him jealous and mean about the sibling he refused to acknowledge in any meaningful way.
"It clearly does not matter to you," he said, a wealth of meaning in his words.
Heat climbed into Rowan's cheeks. Why had she said that about wanting to have sex with him?
"You do realize having a gun pointed at me was a real turn off, don't you?" she asked repressively.
His gaze skimmed down her body, noting she was sure the way her beaded nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her barely there bra and slinky dress. "Funnily enough, no, it had not occurred to me."
Before she could make a blistering retort, or at least say something about looks being deceiving, the alarm on the smart speaker went off.
"Time to check your ankle," he said, shifting so he could lift the cloth and icepack to reveal her foot and ankle closest to him.
He trailed his fingertip from the tip of her big toe over her foot and up her ankle. "How does that feel?"
"F…" She coughed. "Fine."
"Try rotating your foot."
She did and felt only the tiniest twinge. Oh, thank goodness, it really was going to be fine and there would be no need for wrapping or crutches.
"Let us see how you do putting weight on it." He suited action to words, standing up and holding his hands out to her.
She grasped them and stood, relief flooding her when the twinge didn't grow into a throb. "I should have no trouble walking on it now. Thank you. Did you want to have my car brought round?"
He shook his head.
She cocked her head to one side, eyeing him warily. "I'm still a kidnap victim then?"
"We still have your original reason for coming to visit to discuss."
"I think I'd rather discuss it sometime when I haven't been accosted by your goons." If ever. The reality of what she'd planned to propose to him was hitting her hard.
Had Rowan really thought suggesting they have sex to stick it to her ex was a good idea?
"I would prefer to discuss it now," he said with certainty. "You came dressed so enticingly and for my benefit, how can I do anything but give you my full attention?"
"I’m sure I'm not the first woman who showed up at your gate dressed to seduce."
"You're the first one I have any interest in though."
"This chemistry between us, it goes both ways." He touched her face with his fingertips.
That small connection sent electric shocks through Rowan's body. If she'd responded this way to her ex, maybe their marriage wouldn't have been such a sham. Instantly shaking off those thoughts, Rowan reminded herself that her former husband's choices had not been her fault. He'd never been faithful, not from the very beginning, as his longtime mistress had been happy to point out.
The other woman hadn't been his only extramarital relationship, so she probably had her own axe to grind. Delphine had insisted that powerful men like Cyrus could not be expected to be faithful.
Maybe Rowan was naïve, but shehadexpected her Greek husband to honor his promise of fidelity.
Delphine had only been too happy to provide evidence against Cyrus in the divorce. Perhaps because he'd lied to her once too often?
Rowan didn't know and neither did she care. Her life with Cyrus was over and this, right here, this was how she intended to show that to the world.
"I don't think you'll like my stipulations," she said now to Lysander.
His expression instantly wary, he asked, "What stipulations?"