"In the morning, or whatever time I leave in the night, I want to be caught by the paparazzi."

"You want to have sex with me to have revenge on your ex?" Lysander asked.

She couldn't tell from his tone how he felt about that. His expression wasn't a happy one, but then Lysander wasn't known for his affable personality. Gorgeous? Check. Uber wealthy. Double check. Personable? Sometimes. But he was more aloof than charming. In fact, she would have called him downright grumpy, though no one else seemed willing to.

"I want to have sex with you because I want you. I want the paparazzi to catch me so my ex-husband will realize the divorce wasn't some kind of feminine plea for fidelity."

"He doesn't accept that your marriage is over?" Lysander asked.

"Not even a little. He sent me roses just yesterday. I gave them to my neighbor."

"You do not like roses?"

"I love them, but I don't like the sender. I want him out of my life completely, only my family and he still have dreams of dynasty building. They're all sure that once I start having babies everything will fall into place."

"You were married ten years."

"Nine. Our marriage ended when I learned of his infidelity."

"But the divorce only finalized last week."

"Yes. Now it isn't just a matter of how I see my life, but that I am legally no longer bound to him in any way."

"My point was that if they are looking for dynasty building, a marriage that did not produce children in nearly a decade is not one likely to in the future either."

"I was on birth control for the first few years."

"And after?"

She sighed. "We didn't have sex that often and it just never happened." Now she was really glad it hadn't. Rowan couldn't imagine being tied to Cyrus Andino indefinitely through a child.

But for a while, her lack of motherhood had been a real source of grief for her.

"So, not dynasty building," Lysander said, almost musingly.


"What do you mean?" Rowan asked Lysander.

"Cyrus wants you back. It could be as simple as not being willing to let go of what he believes is his, but the fact you didn't have children and he is narcissistic enough to insist on leaving his imprint on the next generation, leads to an important question."

"What would that be?"

"Why won't he let you go? Of course, he may well know the fertility problem lies with him already. He has no children with any of his lovers either. Not even Delphine, and they've been together since before your wedding."

"You knew all this?" she asked, feeling betrayed. Only Lysander hadn't betrayed her.

They hadn't been considered family. Their combustible chemistry aside, they weren't even friends. He hadn't owed her the truth. Not like her own family, all of whom had been aware of Delphine, if not Cyrus's other pillow friends.

"How?" she asked.

"I keep tabs on my family, especially the ones who would prefer I did not exist."

Rowan couldn't deny that interpretation of Cyrus's feelings.

"You're more than a little paranoid, aren't you?" She hadn't forgotten his goon drawing his gun on her, even if Lysander preferred to pretend it hadn't happened.

"I am cautious, that is all. And I have good reason to be. Cyrus is not a good man."