"Oh." Although Rowan had no doubt that Adele wanted to be in Lysander's bed, the feeling had not been mutual.

"Before I learned she'd been with Cyrus."

Okay, so maybe not so much he hadn't wanted the supermodel, but Lysander didn't want his brother's ex. Only that didn't make any sense, because he definitely wanted Rowan. He showed her several times a day.

"Oh." Rowan cringed inwardly at how inarticulate she sounded.

"I don't talk about women after I've had sex with them, but the fact it only happened one time and she was my companion on multiple occasions should tell you something."

It wasn't about Adele being one of Cyrus's exes. Lysander was clearly implying that the sex hadn't been great. Simply put, Lysander hadn't been that into the supermodel.

That's what the admission told her. Also, Lysander was a gentleman, if a ruthless one, because he didn't say anything overtly disparaging about Adele. Which he could have done to make his case seem more believable.

But the Greek billionaire didn't think he needed to make a case. He expected Rowan to believe him. Which she did.

Relief washed over Rowan, though really…it should not matter. But it really did.

"She calls you Lys."

"Which I have instructed her multiple times not to do. It is one of the reasons I stopped having my assistant set her up as my plus one."

"Your assistant set it up?"



"I would never have personally invited her to Mexico if I wanted her here to attend a function with me. I would have left it up to my staff to arrange."

Did he think Rowan had doubts? She didn't. "I believe you," she spelled out, in case he needed her to.

He nodded, like he expected no less, but the tension around his eyes lessened. "Before you, I didn't do relationships that mattered. Hell, I didn't do real relationships at all. I had sexual liaisons that lasted months without a single personal discussion between us."

Not like them. Rowan and Lysander talked about everything from their favorite music, food, and entertainment to family and their hopes for the future.

"What we have, it's real." It wasn't a question. Rowan knew it was.

Whether it was temporary, or not, what they shared went deeper than convenience, or even sexual hunger.

"It is."

The rest of their lunch went uninterrupted. When Klaus returned from seeing the supermodel on her way, he did not sit back down, but remained standing on alert until they were ready to leave.

No other uninvited guests would be sitting at their table.


On their fourth day aboard ship, Rowan finally convinced Lysander to have dinner in one of the specialty restaurants.

Their security team filled the tables around them, but Rowan didn't let that bother her. Soaking in the over-the-top luxury décor, including a chandelier the size of her car, she observed the other diners and the waitstaff interact.

"You like to watch people," Lysander remarked.

"I always have. I'm an extroverted-introvert. I'll chat with people, but I'm just as happy to watch them from the background."

"You are hardly in the background here."

No. He'd made sure they had a very nice table with a view of the ocean. Other passengers kept sending them looks. She supposed with their entourage of bodyguards, they looked famous, or something. People probably wondered who they were.