Neither Rowan, nor Lysander had a chance to reply before the model sat down in one of the empty chairs at their table.

Rowan opened her mouth to say she did in fact mind, but didn't get a chance.

Klaus was already there physically lifting Adele from the chair. "This is a private lunch, Miz Fournier. Let me help you find another table."

"What? Klaus, release me at once. Lys, tell this behemoth to take his hands off me."

"I prefergoon," Klaus said in an aside to Rowan, inexorably guiding the still complaining supermodel away from the table.

"Why bother inviting me to Mexico if you're going to treat me like this?" she shouted at Lysander over her shoulder as she struggled against Klaus's grip. "I won't stand for it."

Lysander ignored the mini temper tantrum happening behind him and snagged Rowan's gaze with his own. "I did not invite her. I don't know what she's doing here."

"How did she know you were here though?" Rowan asked. "I thought no one was supposed to know where we are."

"That is something Klaus is no doubt attempting to find out."

Klaus, who apparently preferred Rowan's teasing moniker of goon over behemoth, was speaking quietly to Adele as he marched her out of the restaurant.

"Did she let you know she planned to be here too?" This all felt a bit surreal.

How was Adele Fournier, of all people, in Cabo San Lucas the same day they were?

"If she did, I don't know about it. I deleted her contact info from the text app we used to communicate." Nothing about Lysander's demeanor said he had wanted to see the other woman, much less done as she claimed and invited her to join him in Mexico.

"She doesn't have your number?"


"I do."


Rowan sighed. "One word answers? Really?"

"What would you like me to say?"

"I'm not sure. You were dating her last year."

"You know that is not true. I explained it to you. She was my plus one at a few events. We were not dating."

"You never answered when I asked if you have sex with her." It had been implied, but not spelled out.

Suddenly, Rowan needed things to be crystal clear in her mind.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes." She could do one-word answers too.

Lysander looked amused rather than worried. "Jealous? You were married to Cyrus for most of the time Adele acted as my plus one."

Rowan pretended not to hear the question about her jealousy, not sure if that was what she was feeling, or not. She'd never been jealous before. Not even when she'd discovered her husband had a mistress and a string of extra-marital lovers.

Angry and betrayed? Yes. Jealous? No.

"Did you?" she pressed.
