"You think of everything."


Rowan realized how true that statement was as she found herself on a private jet flying toward Los Angeles, California. The Greek cruise line embarked from the Port of Los Angeles.

Lysander had arranged for her things to be packed, very efficiently, by Helen. He'd ordered dinner to be served on board the plane. But best of all, he had an entire itinerary with shore excursions for her to pore over.

"Choose the ones you want to go on and I'll have them booked for us."

"You're going on a group shore excursion?" Rowan couldn't help the surprise in her tone. "Youare?"

"No." His gorgeous smile slashed across his face. "We will have private guides and transportation."

Of course, they would.

After selecting the places and things she wanted to see and do in each cruise port, Rowan stared at Lysander and wondered how long it would take him to feel her eyes on him. It was no hardship.

Her Greek tycoon lover was gorgeous. And that look he got on his face when he was concentrating on work? It made her heart rat-a-tat-tat and her panties damp. He was just so sexy in his king-of-the-business-world mode.

Was it the intelligence shining in his dark eyes as he read through reports? Or maybe how incongruous his perfectly sculpted body was to his tycoon role. Billionaires were justnotthis gorgeous. The proof was in every business journal and tabloid on the planet.

Most of those men were at least a decade older than Lysander and none of them had his rugged good looks. At least in her opinion. Which might be biased.

Is that what love did to you?

Rowan's brain screeched to a silent halt like an incomplete music download. Love? Who said anything about love?

She could not love this man. That emotion was strictly off limits in their temporary relationship.

Lysander looked up from the email he'd been writing to one of his subsidiary CEOs and found Rowan staring at him like she'd seen a paparazzi outside the plane window. Disbelief tinged with disgust dominated her beautiful face.

It was not the expression he expected to see after she'd been going over their itinerary options for Mexico.

"What is the matter? Is there an excursion you find distasteful?"

Shaking herself, Rowan's expression cleared. "No. They're all great. It was hard to choose, if you want the truth."

"I always want the truth from you."

She winced and then shook her head. "Pretty sure you don't."

"I do." He had no doubts on that score.

"Do you have a lot more work to do?" she asked. "Only, I thought we might make use of the bedroom. I've never been on a private jet with one before."

"Are you tired?" he teased.

Rowan's libido easily matched his. No way was she talking about sleeping.

"Not so much, no." Whatever had put the distressed look on her face wasn't at the forefront of her mind now.

Sex was. And just like that, it was the overriding thought in his brain too.

He shut his laptop and set it aside before standing. Putting his hand out to Rowan, he said, "Let's go see how comfortable the bed is."

"You don't know?"
