"Why have a bed on your plane if you don't use it?" she asked with a tilt of her head, her expression curious and little judgy. "I know you aren't keen on sleeping more than a few hours a night, but even you must rest on the longer trips."

She was right on both counts. He didn't require much sleep, but using travel time to get what he did need was only logical. "It is not my plane."

Surprise widened her lovely blue eyes. "It isn't?"

"It belongs to a friend." He had considered how much he wanted to say to her, but Lysander had decided that she would want to know the full truth. "I did not want our travel arrangements easily tracked."

"What? Why not?"

"The threats have escalated and now include you." The anger and tension that had simmered inside him since being made aware of her name being mentioned in the latest threat threatened to boil over.

"You didn't say anything."

"I'm saying something now."

"I guess you are." She chewed on her lip. "You wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't for me being threatened, would you?"

"No." A man in his position received threats too often to let them dictate even a modest change to his schedule.

Having her targeted changed things.

"So, we're flying incognito?"

"We are not listed by name on the flight manifest."

"Is that legal?"



He didn't want her frightened. "My security company has a plan for smoking out the culprits."

"That's good."

"I wanted you out of Europe while they do it."

"And you came with me to keep me company? You could have just sent me on the cruise alone."

That was not going to happen.

"The look on your face. Are you worried I'd flirt with the other guests on board?"

"No." He was understandably concerned a woman as beautiful and vivacious as she was would get hit on by other men. "As long as we are together, we are exclusive."

"That's what we agreed."

"Then there is nothing to be concerned about."

"And yet, here you are, flying anonymously on a plane to another country in order to go on a cruise with me." She shook her head, disbelief etched on her face. "That whole incognito thing, it seems really cloak and dagger."

"It is a little. Body doubles will be living in the villa, pretending to be us while we are away." The fully trained security agents would be engaging in activity meant to draw the threat out into the open.

"This really is a working vacation for you. Can I expect to see much of you at all on the cruise?" she asked, disappointment clear in her drooped shoulders.

"Yes. I said I would only work a couple of hours a day. You don't think I'm sending you ashore alone, do you?" Like hell.

Not only would he be with her, but they were traveling with a full complement of security.