I didn’t respond.
“I wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t think you were capable, Gil. You can do this.”
I shook my head.
“I wish I believed you.”
I walked away because I couldn’t stand the fucking look in his eyes. It was as if Zayn couldn’t comprehend why I thought so little of myself. He didn’t get it. No one fucking got it. Hell, even I didn’t understand myself. I had no clue who I was without my father guiding me along the path he’d laid out. And it was really fucked up.
I got in my car and set off, not even knowing where I was going, only that I needed to get away from my family. On instinct, I started to make my way home, but I got about halfway, stopped at a red light, and stared at the road like it had the answers. Only it didn’t have any.
I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t even want to be around myself.
Who do you want to be around, then, Gil?
A certain blue-grey-eyed girl with light brown hair popped into my head completely unbidden. I didn’t know why. I’d only met her twice. And I’d told myself I didn’t need a complication like a woman in my life. Especially not one who worked at Zayn’s club. It would only lead to trouble.
Would it?
My life was already flipped upside down and turned around. Why would I need more craziness in it?
My warring thoughts didn’t explain why, when the lights turned green, I changed my destination. And why I drove straight towards trouble instead of far, far away from it.
What the fuck am I doing here?
I asked myself that a thousand times as I pulled up at the car park near Desecration, got out of my car and walked along to the club. As I didn’t want to alert too many people to my presence there, I made my way in from the back where the offices were. I wandered down the hallway where the private rooms lay and into the club itself. My eyes darted around the place. It was relatively busy tonight, so no one paid any attention to me.
The moment I spied Remi standing by the bar, I made a beeline for her. She looked up when I approached, her green eyes widening.
“Well, fancy seeing you here.”
I didn’t have time for small talk. Remi knew better than to engage in it with me anyway. She was Zayn’s pseudo little sister. I’d known her as long as he had, but we weren’t remotely close in the way they were.
“Is Theia, I mean, Pisces working tonight?”
Remi’s eyebrows shot up.
“Do I even want to know how you know her real name, or why you’re asking for her?”
“Is she here?”
She glanced around before moving closer to me and lowering her voice.
“Yes, but it still doesn’t explain why you want to know.”
For some reason, I felt relieved she was here. At least I hadn’t come all this way for nothing, even if I still didn’t know why exactly I was here. It didn’t matter. What did matter was getting Remi to do something for me without anyone else finding out.
“This isn’t me being a weird creep. She told me what her name is because we’ve met.”
“Okay. I wasn’t thinking you’d been creeping on her or anything, Gil. I know you’re not like that.”
I took a deep breath.
“Can we talk in private?”
Remi blinked, then looked around before taking me by the arm, pulling me away from the bar and leading me into the corridor where the private rooms were.
“I need a favour,” I said as we came to a standstill.