“Gil was his second and therefore he has taken Gennaro’s place.” He waved a hand. “I will remain head of our family, but Gil will lead his men and take over his mafia interests.”
You could have heard a penny drop in the ensuing silence. I glanced at Gian. His back was stiff, and he didn’t turn around. Dino, on the other hand, was staring at Zayn as if he’d grown two heads.
“Am I hearing you correctly?” Dino asked, taking a step towards Zayn. “Did you really just say you’re giving Gil our cousin’s empire?”
Dino blinked.
“Are you fucking insane?” He jabbed a finger in my direction. “If you don’t want it, you should give it to me or even Gian, not your younger brother. What the hell does he know about running an empire? Nothing. Gennaro barely let him do a thing.”
Zayn remained calm despite Dino’s outburst, but I could see the irritation lingering in his dark eyes. I, on the other hand, wanted to shrink back into the corner. I couldn’t as it would show weakness and make Dino’s words valid.
What did I actually know about running an empire? I knew the ins and outs of my father’s business, but Dino wasn’t wrong. I hadn’t been allowed to manage anything.Papáran it without my input or help. No doubt if he’d lived, he would have given me more responsibilities as I got older, but he was gone. I had no choice but to step up.
“Are you questioning my decision about myownfamily?”
“I’m questioning whether you should even be head of your family if you’re planning on sticking him in charge.”
“I see.”
Zayn calmly placed his tumbler on top of the fireplace before walking over to me and placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Gennaro took over from Massimo when he was not much older than Gil. He is more than capable of being a leader. I’m disappointed you don’t believe in either of us, but we’re not going to stand here and take your insults.”
He gave Dino a dark look.
“Jealousy is an ugly look on you. Gennaro didn’t give you his empire, he gave it tome. If I deem my brother worthy of the position, then it’s my choice. Myfamiglia, my rules.”
Technically, our father had been intending to change everything and make me his heir, but Zayn had killed him before that could happen. Something I didn’t blame my brother for. Our father was a monster. And one I had mixed feelings about at this point.
Zayn looked at me.
“Let’s go.”
Gian turned around. He looked incredulous, as if Zayn speaking to them that way rubbed him up the wrong way.
“Running away, are we?”
I stepped away from Zayn toward our cousins. If I didn’t say something I would look like I was incapable, just like Dino had said. I didn’t want to appear weak by allowing my brother to do all the talking.
“You two can stand there and act like you’re better than me and Zayn, but you’re just sad old men playing at a young man’s game. Watch your backs.”
I didn’t even look at them as I turned and walked out, nor did I wait for Zayn. I left Dino’s house. Panic started to set in. My hands were sweaty, and my mind was running riot.
Fuck. What did I do?
Never in my life would I ever have imagined I’d call my cousins out like that. I rarely spoke my mind to anyone but my brothers. Making enemies of Dino and Gian was a fucking terrible idea. Why had Zayn thought I could do this? I couldn’t do this. I wasn’t a leader. I didn’t know what the fuck I was playing at.
I hadn’t gone anywhere after I’d stepped outside of Dino’s house. My head turned, finding Zayn standing on the doorstep with Ari behind him.
“I don’t know why you believe in me, especially not after… that.” I waved at the house. “They’re never going to accept me.”
Zayn dug his hands in his pockets and walked down the front steps until he was level with me. We were of a similar height.
“You think I care what they have to say about it?”