“If you’re willing to share.”

“You’ll just make fun of me.”

“Try me.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I write as well sometimes,” he said softly. “I’ll read you a piece of mine, if you read me a piece of yours.”

“What. Right now?” I shifted back slightly. Did he really want to hear my work?

“Yeah. I can go first,” he said. “I wrote this piece last year. I called it ‘Paper Trail.’”

“I’m listening.” I splashed my feet in the warm water and stared up at the night sky. The stars were twinkling and the moon was bright. I felt weird, but a nice weird. “I can’t wait to hear it.”

“I’ll read the beginning,” he said, his voice lowered. “‘Mondays are days like Tuesdays. And Tuesdays are days like Mondays. Every day seems the same. Same cases. Same judges. Same clickety clack of the typewriter outside my office. And then a pair of ankles. Slim. Heels. High. Skirt. Short. Top. Tight. Lips. Red. Hair. Shiny. Smile. Bright. The file in her hand says she’s out of reach. Out of touch. The taunt in her eyes says she’s the opposition. But it’s not Monday. Or Tuesday. It’s Friday. And Fridays are days with no paper trail.’” He paused and chuckled slightly. “I’m no Hemingway, I know that, but I wanted to share.”

“That was so cool,” I said, smiling. “Is this based on a true story or is it fiction?”

“Ahhh, you’ll have to hear more and figure it out for yourself.”

“Thank you for sharing with me.”

“You’re welcome,” he said softly. “Now can I hear something of yours? Or if you’re too shy, you can bring something for me to read on this trip.”

“I think I’d rather you read it on the trip,” I said quickly.

“So you’re coming.”

“Yes, Max. I’m coming.”

“I’m glad.” He was quiet for a few moments. “Don’t suppose you want to have phone sex?”

“No, I do not.” I burst out laughing. “I’m going to go now, but I hope you have a great evening.”

“I’m going to go and have a cold shower now.” He laughed. “And I can’t promise that I’m not going to take care of myself thinking of your pussy.”

“Max!” I squealed, my face turning bright red at his words. “You can’t say things like that.”

“What? Am I supposed to pretend that you weren’t on my desk a few hours ago, with your legs spread wide and my cock one second away from thrusting inside of you?”

“Max…” I whispered, my heart racing. He was making me horny again.

“Okay, fine, I will pretend that didn’t happen.” He chuckled. “Well, after I have my shower.”

“Good night, Max,” I said softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, babe,” he said, laughing. “Tomorrow, I promise to be Mr. Professional.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” I giggled as I hung up and then stood up. I felt happy. Really happy. Max Whitlock was a complicated man. And while he was a typical horndog, he seemed to have more depth than that. Maybe, just maybe, Max Whitlock would turn out to be a good guy after all. Maybe he wasn’t the jerk that I’d initially pegged him for. Maybe this trip to California was going to be the trip of my dreams.


“You look like the cat that got the milk,” Max stated as he stared at me, drinking my very expensive glass of champagne. “First time in first class?”

“Uhm yes.” I nodded and sipped on the smooth, bubbly liquid, feeling totally in bliss. “My parents barely had two pennies to rub together when we were growing up. My dad only recently sold one of his inventions for a lot of money, and he’s sure not going to use the money to fly me anywhere first class.” I laughed as I ate my packet of honey-roasted peanuts eagerly. I didn’t even like peanuts.

“Oh yes, Travis was telling me about your dad. He sold a perfume patent to Finn Joseph?”