“Yeah.” I nodded. “For a couple of million.” I smiled. “My sisters and I were mad at him, though, because he didn’t tell us, and he kinda lied to my one sister, who had gotten a job with Finn.”
“The sister I met, Chelsea?” He looked surprised. “She works for Finn?”
“Oh no, Chelsea is my youngest sister. My older sister Harriet works for Finn, but they’re dating now.”
“Oh.” He took a sip of his water. “I see.”
“What do you see?” I asked him through narrowed eyes. The morning had gone quite smoothly. Max had picked me up, and we’d talked about the developer in San Francisco that we were going to meet and what he’d expected of me. I’d been surprised that he hadn’t flirted with me or mentioned anything about the drama that had occurred the night before. But if he was willing to forget and move on, so was I.
“Just that you Campbell girls like to get your flirt on.”
“I guess.” I wrinkled my nose. That had been a polite way of him saying that we were all hot messes when it came to relationships, men, and life. Not that we weren’t trying to grow and mature. That was why I’d decided to go to law school. I wanted to make big moves with my life. I wanted to be a responsible adult. I didn’t want to be like my dad, spending half my life chasing a dream and making no money.
“Did I hit a nerve?” Max asked as he looked down at my waist. “Just checking to make sure you have your seatbelt on properly as we’re about to take off.”
“Oh, cool,” I said as I looked out of the window. “I’ve never been to San Francisco before.”
“Oh, really?” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “We can spend a day playing tourist if you want?”
“Really?” I looked away from the window and back over at him. “Do we have time?”
“We can make time.” He nodded. “You can’t go to San Francisco and not see the Golden Gate Bridge.”
“That would be cool.”
“Then we will make it happen.” He nodded and offered me a warm smile. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a monster, Polly.”
“Is that a popular belief?” I teased him, loving the way his turquoise eyes were looking at me. I felt warm and safe in his company. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I felt happy to be with him.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” His eyes moved to my lips, and he smiled. “I like that lipstick color. It suits you.”
“Red?” I touched my lips gingerly, trying to remember which shade I’d used that morning. It was a bright red that Chelsea had lent me. She’d told me to wear it because she’d said it made me look like a badass woman in control.
“Yes. It’s striking.” His gaze moved to my legs. “Much like you.”
“Are you hoping for me to return the compliment?” I asked, laughing softly as I ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m still mad at you, by the way.”
“Mad at me for what?” He feigned ignorance. “Allowing you to keep your job?”
“For making up Ben.” I groaned slightly. “That guy was a trip.”
“I thought you’d immediately break down and say that it had all been a ruse.” He chuckled. “Imagine my surprise when you went along with it.”
“I didn’t know what to do. I was shocked and repulsed. But I figured I’d give him a chance.” I wrinkled my nose. “And he only continued to make me regret that decision.”
“Now do you see why lying doesn’t work?”
“Now do you see why being a jackass isn’t the greatest thing?” I retorted back at him, and he burst out laughing.
“Touche.” He tapped his hand against his thigh as he continued to laugh, the lines around his eyes crinkling as the pleasing sound warmed my eardrums. “Shall we call a truce?”
“I suppose I can be convinced.” I nodded. “As long as you don’t make any comments about me wanting you.”
“Can I make comments about me wanting you, though?” He winked, and my heart stilled for a few seconds as he gave me a once-over that made me feel like he was undressing me with his eyes.
“I guess,” I said, shrugging. “I mean, I totally knew you wanted me.”
“Of course you did.” He grinned. “Did you also know I wanted to join the mile-high club with you?”