
I’ve been in Fairland for about a week now and from what I’ve seen so far, nothing comes close to what I’m seeing right now at the headquarters of the Fairland Mountain Rescue.

With all these big and burly men walking around in their bright red shirts that stretch impressively well across their chests, I feel like I’m sticking out like a sore thumb in my summer dress.

Maybe I should’ve come here looking a bit more professional. Something that screams that I’m a researcher and not some lost tourist who needs help. Though, that’s not entirely true. I have come seeking some assistance.

“I’m not some babysitter, I’ve got better things to do,” a deep voice booms from across the room. The owner of the voice might as well be right at my side, directing his anger straight at me.

Despite telling this Ryder guy my role in this whole program and promising him that I’d be fine on my own, the big boss made it clear that I’m not to go out without trained help. Makes sense now why I was ordered to come here before going up the mountain in the first place.

Even though I’m standing by my lonesome, I’m not the average thrill seeker here in search of some kind of aid. None of the passing bulky men give me any attention. It’s like they know I’m the cause of the argument happening in the background.

I’m glad they’re not interested. If they were, they’d see my flushed cheeks and constant fidgeting.

Definitely should’ve worn my lab coat or a badge, orsomething. Now when I meet the guy I’m going to be stuck with, he’s going to hate me even more.

Do I have the time to sprint back to the lab without being noticed? My feet feel heavy and impossible to move. No, I don’t think that’s an option. For now, I can only suffer.

I can’t even see the guy’s face, not when he’s got his back turned to me. This guy is as big as the rest of them, built to carry an unconscious body for miles and miles, or so I’ve heard. Surely, he can carry a botanist around if need be. Then again, I shouldn’t get hurt. The task is an easier one.

Ryder doesn’t look bothered by the outburst, rather annoyed if anything. Personally, I don’t think I’d want to get on his bad side. His mouth is moving, words spoken much quieter and calmer. I can’t read lips, but I do notice the way the other man’s stiff shoulders slump.

Ryder looks my way, meets my gaze, and then moves past the angry bulk of muscle. Then the guy turns to follow and I finally get a look at the man I’ll probably be spending the next few weeks with.

Black hair and steel-colored eyes. A jawline that can cut through titanium. Oh my. He’s definitely been out in the sun too. Are the butterflies having a wrestling match in my gut in my stomach from nerves or is this sensation something else?

Be professional, Melanie. He’s going to hate you before even knowing your name.

I stand a bit straighter as I watch them make their way over. Clutching the front of my dress, my heart thumps hard on its own. It feels like I’ve run around the whole building and momentarily stopped to catch my breath. Need to find my tongue.

Ryder’s the first to reach me, that same annoyance still on his face. “This woman moved all the way from the big city to help save some plants, so be nice.”

When I move my gaze from Ryder to my ‘babysitter’, the butterflies multiply tenfold and suddenly I feel sick. I want to run away even more.

“I’m Melanie. Nice to meet you.” Is my voice trembling? No, I think that’s my entire body simply betraying me. Shaking from nerves. What a terrible first impression.

The guy looks down at me, a scowl on his lips. Brows lowered almost deep enough to cover the lovely shade of gray of his eyes, he stares down at me like he’s got to direct his anger at something, if not his boss.

He looks like he can crush me with one hand alone. God, why does that sound tempting? I’m starting to think my trembles aren’t from fear.

Ryder slaps his back, huffing out. “She introduced herself, don’t be an ass.”

Way too late for that.


Damn, even his voice is thick and rich, almost like a growl when he isn’t raising his voice. I can’t wait to hear him say my name out loud. Will he, or is that too much to hope for?

He’s still staring down at me, like an intimidation tactic or something. If he’s trying to make me never want to come back, then well, it’s definitely working. Even though I want to make a run for it, my sandals won’t last the distance to the parking lot. I’ll trip all over them before I even make it to the door.

Running has never been an option.

Ryder rolls his eyes and looks away when someone else enters the headquarters. “He’s going to be happy to help you with whatever you need, Melanie. If he gives you any issues, you know who to report to.”

Quinn huffs, finally breaking his stare to glare at the ground. Suddenly, I can breathe again. Why does it feel like the headquarters is hot, did someone kick on the heater? They know it’s summer, right?

“Um, thank you.” My fingers tangle deeper against the fabric and I try to smile. Of course, I hardly get my lips all the way up before I see Ryder starting to leave us to attend to the woman who just stepped inside.