I’m already wanting to beg him to stay, but the words don’t come and a moment later, I’m stuck with the guy who looks like this is the last place he wants to be.

“If you want, you don’t have to actually help me,” I whisper, “I planned on going up there by myself anyway.”

My words are supposed to make the air less heavy, yet the opposite happens. He’s looking at me again and looks like he wants to pop a vessel.

“Are you trying to get eaten or attacked by a wild animal?” He gives my body a look down before clicking his tongue. “Don’t even think about it.”

There he goes again, saying words that make my stomach flip. I’m not picturing a bear flattening me against the ground to devour me as his next meal, that’s all I’m saying.

“I can take care of myself pretty well,” I insist, forcing my chin up. Hoping he can see past my heated cheeks and take me seriously, I earn a scoff instead.

Quinn still looks displeased, like he can’t imagine a woman like myself fighting off a bear or a pack of wolves. Honestly, the thought would make me laugh. Not him, he’s still glaring in my direction.

“Well, all you have to do is keep me from getting lost. I’m not familiar with the area.” Rubbing my arm, I don’t last looking into his eyes for long. Instead, I’m eyeing the ugly gray carpet. “It’ll be pretty easy. All I need is a few weeks of your time and then you won’t see me again.”

A few weeks, maybe a month or two even depending on my luck, but I won’t tell him that now. I’ll save that for a time when he isn’t insulting my survival skills.

He scratches at his stubbled cheeks, blowing out a sigh. “When do we start?”

I’m going to need a few days to prepare myself for Quinn. If he’s going to be a ball of anger the whole time, then I’ll need even longer. Knowing I don’t have that kind of time, I swallow thickly. There’s not much time to waste when it comes to what I have to do.

“How about tomorrow?” I get the courage to lift my eyes and my heart lurches. I’m never going to get used to the sensation of being stared at by this man. “We can wait longer if-”

“Fine,” he interrupts, “just give me a place and time to pick you up.”

His tone should be all it takes for me to ask Ryder for someone else. I must be crazy for the thought to not even cross my mind.

I give him my details and even offer up my phone number. After he orders me to follow him to his desk, he writes everything down. The digits come out in a stumble, yet he writes them without mistake. I give him my schedule and availability, just about everything. Way too much information. Once I get to talking, I can’t stop.

By the time I’m ready to leave the headquarters, Quinn isn’t looking like he’s ready to burn a hole through his paper.

“What is it exactly you’re here for?” he asks while writing.

“Um, I’m here to study a type of plant. It’s one that is endangered and we want to avoid total extinction.” I tap my sandals against the carpet. “That’s about it.”

“You know where the plant is?” His eyes lift but lower soon after, thankfully avoiding another wave of suffering.

“Yes, to a point. It’s been spotted in a few sections of the area and I have to see if all the conditions are the same.” I rub my arms and clear my throat. “I’ll try not to take too much of your time.”

My words are all it takes to make Quinn scowl again. Is it because we have to check multiple areas? If it weren’t for the importance of the survival of my research, I’d try to avoid all the travel.

Before I can consider apologizing, he sets his pen down and nods.

“Tomorrow then. Make sure you’re ready, Melanie.”

Hearing my name is all it takes for the butterflies to soar. I’ll never be ready.


“She’s late…” I mumble to no one in particular. In my truck, there’s no one to hear my complaints.

Melanie Vasquez, the plant researcher who’s new to town. Makes sense. Fairland is a small town, I wouldn’t have missed a face like hers. Not a chance. When did she move in? Has it been days, weeks even? Why am I just now meeting her?

Grabbing my travel mug, I down a few swallows of coffee as I watch the doors of the research facility. I need the caffeine, especially if I’m going to be expected to wake up this early. Even if it’s only a few days a week, I’m no morning person.

This building is one that’s always been here, but one I’ve never looked at longer than two seconds. Now I’m wondering what’s going on inside.

The front doors swing open and there she is, all flushed cheeks and apologetic expressions. I can only imagine what kind of excuses are spiraling in her genius mind. Is she trying to pluck out the best one? No matter what she says, I know I won’t have it in me to get angry. Not after yesterday. Seeing her shrink away each time I even came close to her is enough to diminish my anger.