
Rue has some impressive footwork because I don’t realize she’s hugging the entrance of the hallway until I turn to follow the lure of her voice. She’s got her hair down, cascading down the front of her chest. She’s stolen another one of my shirts to sleep in, and from the looks of it, that’s all she’s wearing. Impossible to tell what’s beneath with the way my shirt brushes right above her knees.

Reel it back before you scare her off completely. Apologize for getting aroused. Stop being an asshole.

“Will you sleep in your room tonight?” she asks, her question coming out slowly.

I curl my fingers at my sides as I register her words. “I won’t have you sleeping out here, the couch is uncomfortable.”

She shakes her head, stepping more in my direction to leave her hiding spot. “I want to share the bed.”

No. It’s a terrible idea and she has to know that. What in the world is she thinking?

“Please?” There’s a tinge of hope in her voice and my resolve to keep some distance between us crumbles right there.

Fuck me. I’m not going to get a wink of sleep. The guys are going to give me hell if I can’t focus at work tomorrow.

“Alright, be there in a minute.” Turning back to the fire, I search the red embers for any kind of sign. Maybe a warning of some sort to tell me that I shouldn’t cave to the sound of her pleas. Hearing her shuffle away, I know I can’t stand here forever. Just long enough to put the fire out and give Cheeto a good scratch behind his ears.

Rue’s cuddled in my bed by the time I make it to my room, hugging my favorite pillow and looking like she’s claimed the furniture for her own. The mattress is made to fit two people, but the empty side of the bed looks incredibly small.

Once I’m settled next to her, I shut off the light and stare up at the ceiling.

“How long has it been since you’ve been with a woman?” Rue asks in a whisper, sleep not coming her way either.

“A long time,” I admit just as softly. “Before I moved on the mountain.”

There’s a sudden warmth on my stomach, definitely caused by her hand. She’s still touching me willingly. I hold my breath when she trails her finger across my belly. Her hair is tickling my arm. Must’ve rolled over to get closer.

“You must’ve been lonely.” Her fingers trickle up my chest, running further up my shirt. She makes it up to my collarbone before going back down.

“Terribly,” I choke out as her touch only feels amplified in the darkness.

“Is this okay?” she asks, her hand stopping when she reaches my belly once more. Her fingers are still shifting, threatening to continue to burn trails into my chest. Is she trying to politely kill me for what I’ve already done?

Here I thought I’d be okay after that shower. The joke is on me. I’m going to need another session in the bathroom once she’s asleep.

“You know what’ll happen,” I grunt, groaning when she doesn’t yank her hand back in disgust as I expect her to.

The bed creaks as she crawls closer. Her hand moves up ever so slowly. Up and down, side to side, like she’s memorizing my body for her own benefit. Ignoring my warning, Rue does as she pleases. When her touch moves past my collarbone and up my throat, I swallow heavily.

“I like your beard,” she whispers, “it’s so bushy.”

I laugh and it’s strained. I don’t stop her when she flattens her hand against my cheek. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Might as well do what I want while I have the courage,” she admits as she tilts my face, “the darkness makes it easier. Do you want me to stop?”

“Fuck no.” I want her handseverywhere. Both of them flattened hard against my body.

She laughs at my bluntness but doesn’t say another word. Doesn’t need to. Not when I realize that she’s got more on her mind than sharing a conversation.

There’s a sudden warmth on my nose and forehead. All of her exploring of my face must’ve been made to map out where my lips are because the next thing I know, the woman’s kissing me.

My lack of response makes her blow out an embarrassed laugh. Her lips are gone as quickly as they arrive.

“Sorry, that was kind of bad.” She’s still laughing, dragging her hand away from my body. She’s running away, that courage of hers vanishing in an instant.

No, I won’t have it. I didn’t even have enough time to relish the feel of her mouth against mine.