Smiling lightly, I push against his back and that earns me a pinched expression and another groan.

“If I do this every night, then it’ll get easier and less painful.” I bite my lip at the thought. “Next time, I can have you lay on your back and throw my whole weight into it.”

His eyes close, amplifying my desire to kiss him. “Sounds tempting. Looking forward to it.”

“Crazy how you’ve put up with the pain. Want me to get your legs?” I ask, recalling how he hobbled inside.

His eyes open and his frown is back. “Not a good idea.”

Does he not like his legs being touched? Leaning forward, I do my usual thing and press forward instead of just accepting his dismissal.


“I know I can totally help–” I interrupt before my own words fall to a halt. I’m barely leaning over him and I can see that my massage has done a little more than relieve his sore muscles. Suddenly, my cheeks are feeling a bit more hot.

Apparently, I’m not the only one enjoying the massage.

Bryson’s jeans leave little to the imagination. Not only is he hard, but I can happily say that the guy is bigeverywhere.

Is it too late to pretend that I don’t notice? From the way the back of his neck immediately turns a bright red, I don’t think I can backtrack.

“Hey, it’s normal,” I try to offer up to ease his embarrassment. I mean, look at me. I’m here enjoying the massage on my end too. “No need to be–”

“I should shower and get to bed. Getting late.” Pulling away without warning, his body cracks and shifts as he moves to his feet.

Shit, I’ve not only embarrassed him, I’ve made him uncomfortable. One step forward and two steps back.

Good going, Rue.

Instead of apologizing, I can only silently watch him abandon me and the room. My heart sinks further and further when I hear the shower running only minutes later.

Pressing my hands against my heated cheeks, I groan softly.

Inside, knowingImade him that way makes me want to do a backflip. I’m a little rusty and not super great at the whole dating thing, but I aroused him with nothing but my touch.

I’m one terrible person for enjoying the fact. Need to reel back before I enjoy myself too much. The last thing I need is to get attached just to be told that he wants to find someone who doesn’t want to jump his bones at every possible chance.


I’m a coward for running away. I didn’t have the courage to meet her gaze to see what kind of disgust had to be written all over her face.

What kind of man am I for not being able to hold back?

She offered her help to ease the pain in my back, nothing more. Yet, there I was, secretly thinking about her using those magic hands of hers to stroke my cock and ease the constant ache growing between my thighs. Have I really become so touch deprived that I react in such a poor manner?

How is Rue supposed to get comfortable around me in a week if I can’t even act right around her? There’s something about the woman that’s given me ideas, but nothing like this.

The cool water is hardly enough to make me forget how her fingers felt against my back. Even with a hand wrapped around my cock, I can’t act right. One punishing squeeze only reminds me how this won’t be something I allow to repeat. Can’t go letting my body react to every little thing she does.

Can’t get excited seeing her in my shirt. I’m better than that, more civilized.

Need to get her out of my system. No other option. I’m not going to screw this up, not when I’ve been handed such a perfect opportunity to be with a woman who is far too good for me.

Stroking my cock to the sweet woman, the best I can do is swallow down any form of a moan.

By the time I get out of the shower, I’m not surprised to see Rue’s nowhere to be seen. Probably tucked away in my bedroom hiding away from the world. I’m surprised to see her cat curled up by the fire. At least he’s been able to make himself comfortable.

Running a hand down his back, I glance at the fire. It’s burning low and could use another log or two. If I’m going to have to spend another night on that couch, I should build it back up.