Page 10 of No Chance in Hell

“And what lesson is that?” she asked, trying to stay calm.

Her runaway heart had other plans.

He smiled and squeezed the back of her neck. “Obedience. Respect. Submission.”

And just like that, her desire turned back to anger.

“That’s three lessons. No way. Not in this job. And no chance in hell,” she replied and tried to push back but she was no match for Sonny’s strength.

“Don’t knock it till you try it.” Sonny winked and suddenly let go.

Avery leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. “I have another idea.”

Sonny crossed his arms and stared at her. “What now?”

“I’m going to get a job in Airdrie.” She pulled out the card from her pocket and held it up.

Sonny looked at it, then at her. “You’re gonna work the pole at the Golden Ladder?”

“Why not? The owner told me loads of bikers from all over the province come in. It’s the perfect opportunity for me to gather information.”

“You’re forgetting one thing. Kingston and Galen know who you are.”

“I’ll wear a wig and heavy makeup. No one’s gonna recognize me,” Avery paused. “It’s perfect.”

“Got it all figured out in that big brain of yours, is that it?”

“You got a better idea, Sonny? If they’re looking to mount an attack on our club, I want to do everything I can to stop it.”

“You’re doing exactly what your father said not to do. I can’t fucking protect you at the Golden Ladder,” he spat out.

“I don’t need your protection.”

“Right. When are you telling Gage?”

Avery crossed her arms. “Does he need to know?”

“Oh yeah. And if you don’t tell him, I will.”

Avery conceded that she didn’t have a choice. “All right. But no one is telling me I can’t do this.”

“No wonder Gage has white hair,” Sonny replied, shaking his head.

“I’ve gotta go shopping for my new gig. See you later.”

Avery turned to leave but Sonny was quicker than she’d imagined, hauling her back into his arms. She slammed her heel against his boot, but it had no effect. She could’ve sworn she heard Sonny laughing but when she looked up, his face was expressionless.

“Stop being a goddamn brat. Finish your shift.”

“Fine. But I’ll need my arms back,” Avery murmured and suddenly Sonny let go of her. “And don’t touch me again.”

He shrugged and walked back to the crowded bar, weaving through the customers. Eventually he settled on a seat in the corner, checking his phone.

Avery made her way behind the bar and got back to serving customers. But she was hyper aware of Sonny, no matter how far away he was sitting. Including when a curvy brunette in a short skirt smiled at him, and he waved her over.

Bad enough Avery had to deal with him telling her what to do, now she had to watch him hook up. And why did she care? When she came back a year ago, she didn’t give Sonny a spare glance. She preferred to stay far away from his intense glare and cold demeanor.

But ever since last Friday, it was like a switch had been thrown. Now she sensed him before he came into a room and was very aware of him as a man, not just another biker. Avery’s anger and frustration with him turned to something much more disturbing.