And that made her temper notch even higher. She quickly poured two beers from the tap and headed in Sonny’s direction.
“Don’t do it.” Wyatt’s voice interrupted her.
“Don’t do what?” she snapped as she spun around, the beers sloshing over the rim and down her hand.
Wyatt stood in front of her as he ran a tattooed hand down his short red beard. “I saw you with Sonny earlier. Don’t go getting jealous. He hates that sort of shit.”
“Jealous, my ass! I’m just bringing theboss, and hisdate, a beer.”
“Too late,” Wyatt replied as he pointed over her shoulder. Avery looked around.
Sonny - and the woman he was with – were gone.
“Ithought we were going back to your place?”
Sonny sighed as he stared at the brunette woman – Jane or Julia? He didn’t remember what her fucking name was, and he didn’t give a shit. All he needed was a quick release.
Anything to get his mind - and cock - off the blonde brat he’d left behind at the bar.
Jane – let’s call her that – was friendly and flirty and asked to leave with him, so he figured she knew the deal.
“Not my place. Here. Now. Suck me off,” he demanded.
“You don’t even buy me a goddamn drink and you expect me to blow you in the back alley like a sex worker?” The woman’s shrill voice echoed in the cool March air. “Fuck off.”
She turned and tottered off down the alley towards the street, her high heels catching on the thick layer of snow that covered the ground.
Sonny leaned against the brick wall, counting down in his head. He’d never been so close to losing his temper. That was twice in one week.
And all because of…
“Sonny striking out, what’s going on?” Avery’s voice teased his ear, but he refused to look at her.
“If you know what’s good for you, Avery, you’ll turn around and go back inside.”
If she pushed one more time…
“You should call that woman you fucked a few weeks ago in this very spot. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Wait, you don’t do repeats. Too bad.”
Sonny pushed off the wall and turned to face Avery. She’d slipped on a leather jacket, but it was open, and he could see the outline of her full breasts. Telling her to get rid of the bra was the smartest – and the dumbest – thing he’d done today. The thin tank top she wore had everyone in the bar drooling, and he was no exception. And it wasn’t just her natural beauty but the way she carried herself. She knew her worth and didn’t take shit from anyone. It was fucking hard for Sonny to look anywhere else but at her.
She walked closer to him, and the amused look on her face was begging for trouble. Leaning against the wall, she tipped her head up and challenged him with those golden eyes of hers. Fucking witch.
Sonny was usually only concerned with his own pleasure but something about Avery made him want to take his time fucking her, to completely wreck her in every possible way. Until that bratty mouth of hers was too sore to talk.
Before she could utter another word, Sonny grabbed her around the waist and turned her, placing both of her hands on the brick wall. He rocked his hips against her round ass. His brain started to shut down as his cock took over. All he could focus on was his throbbing dick, his pounding heartbeat, and the fact that he wanted to paint Avery’s face, ass, and tits with his load. To mark her. To ruin her for anyone else.
“Oh, should I be scared? The big, bad, devil’s bastard has caught me.” Avery chuckled, and Sonny felt the vibration in his chest.
She pushed her ass back against Sonny’s crotch again, swiveling her hips, driving him insane. His dick grew painfully hard, trying to drill its way out of his jeans.
He leaned down and ran his nose along her neck, inhaling her sweet and sultry scent, enjoying her sharp inhale and the tremble that wracked her body. “I’m not in the mood for your games,” he murmured against her soft skin. “Either get on your knees or get your ass gone.”
Sonny waited for Avery to bolt out of his arms but instead she surprised him. Turning around, she ran a hand down his chest to his belt buckle then slowly dropped to her knees. His cock grew harder as he imagined Avery’s full lips wrapped around his dick, taking him deep, taking it all. She was so close that he felt her warm breath through the denim. It wouldn’t take much for him to come at this point, so he grabbed his junk, staving off his climax.