She flushed the toilet and washed her shaky hands, then slid the test in the back pocket of her jeans.
Opening the door, she found Sonny sitting on their bed.
It was a still a mindfuck after all these months.
She’d moved in six months ago, right after their attack on the Death Riders. Not that they discussed living together or anything. When they came back from their three-day trip to Banff, Sonny walked her over to her cottage and ordered her to pack up her stuff and move it to his place immediately.
After arguing with him about his piss-poor communication skills, they had a fast and furious fuck in her kitchen. And after that, Avery boxed her stuff up.
The man was infuriatingly bossy, but she could deny him nothing.
The police had sniffed around the club after the Golden Ladder fire hit the news but so far, there was no hint that anyone would be arrested for the deaths of the bikers or the arson. No evidence, no arrests. Each month that passed had members breathing a bit easier.
“What’s so urgent?” Avery asked as she wandered out and sat down beside Sonny.
His pale blue eyes surveyed her, and Avery blushed. Could he tell something was up? The man had a keen sense of her every mood. She began to sweat in earnest.
What if he freaked out over the news and left? Avery shook those thoughts loose. This was Sonny. Ever since he told her he loved her, the man was all in.
He was possessive as hell, and she was happier than ever.
“Remember that farmer that moved in across the road? We asked to see her video footage of the road?”
“Yeah, Sage Lowry. What about her?” Avery asked.
“Dante ran into her last week and said she was acting strange, so Xander did some digging, just to be sure she wasn’t associated with any cops. It turns out, her sister Rosemary was married to a biker, and not just anyone, but the VP of Midnight Carnage. The sister vanished two years ago in B.C., until her body washed up on the shores of the Michichi creek just south of here, nine months ago. It was ruled a homicide, but no one’s been charged. Sage moved from Edmonton to Longford two months after the body was discovered. She used to work in finance but gave up her corporate job and took up farming.”
Avery shook her head. “That’s a lot to take in. Why would she move closer to where her sister was found? Wouldn’t that be painful?”
“I don’t know. Sounds like she had a breakdown of some sort and came here to rebuild her life. But it’s kind of weird that she bought a farm across from us, and her family is tied to a biker club that’s moving into this area. The whole thing gives me a bad feeling.”
“I guess we’ll have to keep tabs on her for now.”
Sonny nodded. “What’s your news?”
“Well, I just found out this morning that…” Avery paused as she clenched her hands tightly.
Here goes nothing…
“Wait, let me get a beer first,” Sonny murmured as he headed out to the kitchen, Avery following him.
Yes, beer was probably a good idea.
“You want one?” Sonny asked as he pulled out a bottle from the fridge.
“No, thanks.”
“No? You never turn down your favorite IPA,” Sonny replied with a smirk.
“I don’t want to risk it.”
“Risk what?”
“Maybe you should sit down.”
Avery began to pace.