Page 80 of No Chance in Hell

“I can tell,” Sonny murmured with a smile as he lowered his head, her pink lips a temptation he couldn’t resist.

He took her mouth with sensuous purpose, tangling their tongues and tasting the sweet wine on her breath. Avery’s taste was heady, and so fucking addictive.

He’d never get enough.

“Forgive me,” Sonny whispered against her lips, suddenly overwhelmed from the feelings Avery inspired. “Love me.”

“I do,” Avery whispered. “I love you as you are. Scars and all.”

“I love you more, baby.”

Sonny claimed her mouth again. No more words were spoken after that.

Sonny thought about the path of his life and for the first time, about the future. Most people went about living their lawful existence, hoping in heaven, their ultimate destination.

But not Sonny. All he needed was his Hellion.



Avery sat on the toilet seat, patiently waiting, as she stared at the pregnancy test.

And waited. And waited.

It felt like an eternity.

God, so much for her birth control. Was Sonny gonna freak out if she was pregnant? The past six months had been amazing, but they’d never discussed children. Or marriage. Avery didn’t think Sonny wanted to get married which was fine by her. She was happy with how things were. She didn’t need a marriage license to love him more.

But a baby?

That was bigger than a wedding. Everything would change.

She tried to picture Sonny holding a crying infant with a dirty diaper and she burst out laughing. The man was a lead enforcer for a biker club, not exactly a training ground for fatherhood.

In fact, most guys in the club were adamant they’d never want kids. But when Rochelle and Nate announced their pregnancy three months ago, Avery noticed a shift. The guys were extra protective of Rochelle and Avery wondered how the whole crew was gonna react to a new kid on the block.

And now, possibly, a second one. She checked the test again, but she had to wait another minute. Sixty seconds felt like forever. In a minute, her whole life could be altered.

“Avery!” Sonny yelled out.

“In the bathroom,” she replied.

Sonny knocked on the door, then jiggled the handle, but she’d locked it.

“Give me a minute!” she yelled back.

“Woman, get out of that bathroom right now,” Sonny commanded.

“Calm yourself.”

Avery chuckled and stared at the test again.

Two lines appeared. Two pink lines. She was pregnant. Holy fuck!

“Hurry up, I got news,” Sonny mumbled on the other side of the door.

“So do I.”