Avery slid an arm around Sonny’s waist and leaned in. “I’m as real as it gets, honey.”
“Good, cause you are so fucking beautiful and I want you,” Sonny mumbled and staggered. “Why is my house upside down?”
Jesus, that whiskey fucked him over good. “Okay, time for you to go to bed and get some sleep. It’s been a crazy ass night, but we need rest.”
“You’re sleeping with me now. Tonight. Always,” Sonny growled, his blue eyes glassy. “And I wanna tie you up again.”
Dante burst out loud laughing and Avery shook her head.
She was never going to live this down.
“What the fuck was in that whiskey?” Avery looked at Dante.
Dante shook his head and just kept laughing.
After a few minutes, they managed to get Sonny into his house. Another few steps and they reached the bedroom. Dante steered Sonny to the bed, and her man flopped down on his back like a starfish, legs, and arms spread out wide.
“Moonshine, not whiskey. And if you need any restraints for playtime, Nate has lots of rope around in the workshop,” Dante teased, offering a shit-eating grin.
“Haha. Thanks for getting us drunk – or getting Sonny drunk - and helping him home,” Avery replied with a middle finger.
“My pleasure. Good luck with hungover Sonny. You think he’s grumpy on a normal day? Wait until he wakes up with a massive headache.”
“I have just the cure, so don’t worry.”
“I bet you do.” Dante waggled his eyebrow and his silver ring glimmered in the light.
“I meant water and aspirin.” Avery pointed to the door. “And maybe an orgasm or two. Now get out.”
“Yes ma’am. And welcome to being a full-fledged member of Hellraisers & Hellions. You did good tonight, Avery. Sonny, Gage, and Jesse, hell all of us, couldn’t be prouder.”
“Thanks Dante. See you in the morning.”
“More like afternoon. I’m not done partying.”
“Have fun.”
Sonny was snoring away like a chainsaw and Avery had to hold back a laugh. Her tough, badass man was a lightweight when it came to hard liquor, and she was going to razz him so bad when he woke up.
Avery popped into his bathroom and had a shower, washing the makeup, dried blood, and God knows what else, off. Ten blissful minutes later, she grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped herself up, then headed out to the kitchen to grab two glasses of water.
After downing a whole glass and quenching her thirst, Avery opened the fridge and found a couple of apples and a brick of cheddar. She made herself a plate of sliced fruit and cheese, then returned to the bedroom with a tray full of snacks and more water.
Sonny was now rolled over on his side. Avery put the tray down on the dresser.
Sauntering over, she reached down and undid the laces on his combat boots, pulling each one off and setting them down on the floor at the base of the bed. She peeled off his socks and threw them in the nearby hamper. She thought about removing his shirt and jeans, but he was a big man and sound asleep, she had no desire to wrestle with dead weight.
Walking over, she picked up the tray again and sat down on the other side of the bed. After her snack was done, she popped a couple of aspirin and turned out the light.
Sleep didn’t come easy though.
She replayed the night’s events in her head and was worried about all the ‘what ifs’. About the police most of all. That part never got easier. The club had run ins before and a few times members were arrested for assault, possession with intent to sell, illegal firearms. Murder charges had never stuck on anyone in all the years she’d been around. But there was a first time for everything.
It was well after three in the morning when she finally drifted off.