* * *
She wokeup to bright sunshine but no sign of Sonny.
The house was quiet. Too quiet. She stretched her hand out, but the sheet was cold. Reaching out to the nightstand, she grabbed her phone and noticed it was just after ten. She also noticed a text message from Sonny that he’d sent over an hour ago.
Sonny: Gone for a ride to clear my head, then off to the bar.
Meet up for dinner?
Not tonight, busy
Okay, what about after?
No. Maybe another day. Not sure.
‘Maybe another day’? ‘Not sure’? What the fuck? Last night he’d been all over her, even flirting when he was drunk. He called her his woman in front of the whole club. And today he wakes up and ghosts her?
His messages left Avery feeling sick, a cold dread filling her stomach. Was he done with her? Was that it? That couldn’t be right. What could have changed in the hours since last night?
Busy my ass.
My mistake. Sorry to bother you.
Fuck Sonny.
Why the hell was she angsting about this at all?
If Sonny had cold feet about their relationship, well, that was his problem, not hers. She wasn’t going to wait around pining for any man, not even him. She had pride, and if he didn’t want her, so be it. Good thing this happened before she got in too deep. Before she did something stupid like fall in love.
Well, she had fallen, but she wasn’t going to act like a pathetic fool chasing after him.
Avery got dressed and stomped back to her house. She took a long shower and changed, then did a couple of loads of laundry and cleaned the place from top to bottom. Expelling her angry energy as each hour passed.
There were no further messages from Sonny and her blood boiled.
By evening, she headed over to the clubhouse and found a bunch of members hanging around the kitchen.
“Anyone seen Sonny?” Avery asked and the room fell silent.
That was all the answer she needed.
“Sonny’s still at the bar,” Jackson replied, his cowboy hat pulled down low.
When he looked up, Avery saw concern in his eyes.
“Okay, thanks.” Avery turned to head back out.
“He said you didn’t need to go in tonight, he can handle it,” Jackson continued. “He needs time alone.”
Avery stopped and turned around. The pitying look Jackson gave her was telling. “That’s fine. I wasn’t going to go looking for him. I’m going for a ride.”
Avery left the clubhouse and went back home to grab her backpack.
On impulse, she took an extra set of clothing and packed snacks. Maybe she’d leave for a few days, stay at a rental in the country. A much-needed break after all the chaos recently. Rest and recharge.
And it would give her time to face the fact that her feelings for Sonny wouldn’t be returned.
Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them loose.