Page 37 of Linc

“Maybe.” She has some good points. I think about the day we spent together and the kiss that almost was last night. There was a strength in holding that gun earlier, and Linc caring about me being prepared to defend myself was so fucking sexy. No one other than Lucy ever cared about my personal safety. Seeing the way he and the rest of the club treated his mom was icing on the cake. So many check marks are making their way into the yes column. It makes me wonder what would happen if I threw caution to the wind for the night and knocked on the biker’s door.

Though I’m not a virgin, I’ve never been with a man who really knows what he’s doing in bed. With Jace, it was more of a let’s get this over with kind of situation. When he was done, it was lights out. Linc, though? Linc strikes me as the kind of man who wouldn’t dream of letting a woman out of his bed without showing her what lies on the other side of heaven. I may not have a strong belief in God, but something tells me he’d have me calling out to him several times before the night was through.

Chapter eleven


IwatchCharlieasshe and Lucy head back to their room for the night. Having her here and meeting my mom, completely unexpectedly, is turning out to be a lot more than I bargained for. Before leaving, my mom pulled me aside.

“She’s a good girl, Linc, but she has demons. If you’re going to do nothing but mess around with her, then leave it be.”

I let her know that I have no intention of going there with Charlie. That may have been the first time I lied to my mom, and the look in her eyes told me she knew I was full of shit.

“Spill,” Jude commands when we’re sitting at the bar after putting the pool cues away for the night.

“What are you talking about?”

I’m not an idiot. I know he saw the way I said goodnight to Charlie. There are two reasons for that. The first is, last night, the only person who saw the almost kiss was Lucy. Since we aren’t a bunch of gossiping fourteen-year-old girls, I hadn’t told anyone about it, not even Jude. But every brother in the place tonight saw what I was doing. Charlie isn’t a bunny, and I just pissed a circle around her. Second, I wanted to. That’s it. I wanted to feel her pert little ass pressed against me when she was bending over the pool table, and I was pretending to try to help her. I wanted to feel the shiver I knew would come when I growled in her ear.

Last night, I was determined to keep her at a distance. Well, until the end of the night. I knew as soon as she melted into me when I was pressed close to her, she would be mine, and the idea of no strings attached would fly right out the damn window.

“I’m talking about the little scene you and Charlie put on. Are you planning on taking the little bird to bed then?” Jude asks with a knowing smile.

“What if I am?”

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I like Charlie. She seems like a sweet girl. Just remember, there’s a lot of heat attached to her.”

I have no interest in rehashing this conversation with Jude again, and the glare I send him says exactly that.

“I can tell you want to haul off and hit me,” he says with a smirk. “But I wouldn’t be the asshole you know and love if I didn’t at least remind you before you start thinking with your dick instead of your head.”

“I can think with both just fine.”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Wanker.” I shoot him another dirty look and throw up my middle finger for good measure.

“That’s my word.” Jude shakes his head. “It doesn’t sound right with your stupid American accent.”

“I don’t have a stupid accent. You do.”

“Fuck off.” Jude throws a beer cap, hitting me in the side of the face.

Later that night as I’m lying in bed, I remember Charlie’s soft gasp when I pressed into her. Fuck, that sound nearly had my cock punching through my jeans. Never in my life have I had such a primal reaction to a woman. When I picked her up on the side of the road all those years ago, the need to protect her was overwhelming. Back then, it didn’t have anything to do with attraction or wanting her in my bed. How I feel about her now, though, is more complicated. There’s just something about those blue eyes and her soft way that calls to a part of me I never thought I had.

The urge to sneak into Charlie’s room and finish what we started last night is strong. Honestly, if she wasn’t rooming with a woman who would no doubt break a lamp over my head before figuring out who was there, I would.

A quiet knock sounds at my door. It isn’t one of the bunnies, considering there are no obnoxious giggles coming from the other side. I grab the jeans next to my bed and slide them over my hips, leaving the top button undone, and stride across my room.

Opening the door, the sight in front of me nearly knocks me over. Charlie is standing there in a little tank top and those sexy-as-hell sleep shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. She bites her lip, looking nervous as a kitten.

“Hey, I, um, couldn’t sleep?”

Her nerves are fucking adorable.

“Are you asking or telling me, sweetheart?” I raise my arm and rest it against the door jamb, leaning toward her. Charlie takes an audible gulp.

She’s so damn cute right now, it makes my chest ache… among other things.