Page 36 of Linc

“Are you still butt hurt I kicked your ass at the range today?”

“First of all,” he says, holding up a finger, “you only fired three shots. There was no ass-kicking when you haven’t proven you can do that more than once. And second,”—he holds up another finger—“the only butt that’s going to be hurting is going to be yours when I bend you over my knee and spank your ass red.”

A furious blush covers Lucy’s face as she turns to grab a cue for herself.

Huh, that’s curious.

We play a few games, Linc giving me pointers on how to better set up a shot. Jude and Lucy are at least tolerating each other, keeping the barbs and dirty looks to a minimum. When Linc decides my stance and the way I hold my arms needs work, he moves behind me and leans over me to “help” me adjust the way I’m holding the cue.

“I’m beginning to think the only reason you wanted me to play was so you could cop a cheap feel.”

His chuckle vibrates into my body from behind. “Who me? I thought you wanted to get better at pool.”

His warm breath tickles the side of my face when he speaks in a low voice, making my body feel like it’s about to combust. Never in my life would I have thought the feel of someone’s breath against my face would have me wanting to toss the stick down and throw myself at him in a room full of people.

When I take the shot, the ball goes into the hole.

“See, you just needed a little adjustment,” he comments before standing upright.

That’s not all I need right now.

Of course, Jude and Lucy still win, and Linc hands him a twenty.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” Jude tells him.

It’s getting late, and I can tell Lucy is tired but doesn’t want to leave me alone.

“Hey, we’re going to head to bed,” I tell Linc. “Thanks for the gun and pool lessons.

“Any time, Charlie girl.” He smiles wide and takes the cue from my hand.

“Again… not a dog.”

Linc grabs me around the waist and brings me flush to his chest before growling in my ear. “No, but I wouldn’t mind petting you just the same.”

Holy shit, I’ve never wanted to be a Labrador Retriever more in my damn life.

“Sweet dreams.” He releases me and shoots me a wink.

My breath stalls in my chest as a shiver of excitement runs down my spine, then I hear Lucy let out a loud yawn across the table.

“Night,” I squeak out before grabbing Lucy’s hand and hauling her to our bedroom.

“Okay. You need to tell me what the hell is going on with you two,” Lucy says as I grab my pajamas and head to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

“Fuck if I know. He’s flirty, that’s for damn sure.”

“Girl, when he growled in your ear,mypanties almost went up in flames, and I was a solid six feet from you two.”

I laugh, but she isn’t wrong. Linc is a man built for pleasure, and that sexy growl thing he does could melt a fucking glacier.

I come out of the bathroom and sit on the other bed, facing my best friend.

“I haven’t been with anyone since Jace,” I confess.

Lucy looks at me with a sad understanding in her eyes.

“I figured,” she says in a thoughtful tone. “But, honey, that man looks like he could make you scream in soprano, if you know what I mean, which is a lot more than anyone would ever say about your ex. To top it off, he’s practically salivating over the chance for you to let him.” Lucy turns off the light on the nightstand and climbs under the covers. “And if I were you, I would give him a chance.”