Page 26 of Linc

“Why do you think that?”

“When I saw their cuts, it snagged a memory from something in the notebook. There were a couple entries with coordinates and the initials BR and O and T. I’m not sure if it means Black Roses or what O and T stand for. O could be Ozzy, I guess, but I don’t know about T.”

Lucy hums while mulling over the information I just shared with her. “Honestly, Char, that could mean anything. You may be making connections that aren’t there.”

“True,” I concede. “But considering Linc knows Jace’s cousin, it’s not a stretch to think the club has had dealings with him. Not like these guys are squeaky clean.”

I realize it’s possible I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but I haven’t survived this long by not considering all possibilities, whether they seem based in fact to other people. I’ll never again allow myself to be in the same situation I ran from the night Linc was arrested.

“Why did you agree to come here if you were scared the club is somehow involved with the stuff in that notebook?”

That’s a great question, and the answer makes me sound like a starry-eyed girl lusting over the one man in her life who ever gave a shit about what was happening to her. But it’s the truth.

“There’s something about Linc that makes me want to trust him. It’s completely and totally at odds with who I know him to be. He’s a biker who deals with the mob. He had no problem with almost killing a man all those years ago.” I think back to that night and the moment I put my hand on his shoulder when he had Jace broken and bloody on the floor. “Honestly, Lucy, if I didn’t stop him, there’s no doubt in my mind he would have killed Jace.”

“It’s not like the worldwouldn’thave been better off without that scumbag breathing.”

I nod in agreement. She’s not wrong.

“When the cops showed up and he knew he was going to jail, I thought about the way his hand felt against my cheek when he told me he didn’t regret it. It’s the first time in so long I was touched with any sort of gentleness. It’s like my brain short-circuited, and he became this unobtainable savior.”

“Babe, you were starved for affection. It’s no wonder you felt that way.”

“Exactly. Which is why I don’t trust these feelings that keep popping up when it comes to him. The last six years, I’ve held him on a pedestal instead of looking at the reality of the situation. I can’t let myself do that. He’s just a man and a seemingly dangerous one at that.” I don’t know who I’m trying to convince here, me or Lucy.

“Anyway, that’s why I agreed to come back with him. That, and I doubt Jace is stupid enough to storm a compound full of bikers. We just need to lie low for a minute and figure out where we can go. Now that Jace attacked members of the club, he’s in their crosshairs. I think the best thing to do is wait for the dust to settle, then take off. They can deal with Jace, and we can start over.”

Lucy looks at me for a few beats before speaking.

“That sounds good in theory, but are you sure you can start over without looking back and questioning whether Linc could have been more than just someone you put on a pedestal?”

“Woah there, sister. Now who’s talking about relationships? I have no intention of sticking around, and I doubt anyone here wants me to.” Just remembering the way Jude looked at me at the bar sends shivers down my spine. If I thought the greeting from Stacia was cold, the icy glare in Jude’s eyes made me want to run right out of that bar.

“Ozzy seemed nice enough,” Lucy says.

“He’s one guy.”

“Are you talking about that smashole Jude?”

A sudden laugh escapes me. “Smashole?”

“Yeah, as in he’s an asshole, but I’d totally smash that. Even I can’t deny he’s sexy as hell with that accent and all.”

“Oh my God, Lucy, I can’t believe you just said that.”

She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Really?”

I think about it for a moment. “Wait. Yeah, I totally can.”

We’re laughing when a knock sounds from the other side of the door. Linc pops his head in and smiles at the two of us lying on the tiny twin bed.

“Man, if Jude could see you now,” he says.

Footsteps pound down the hallway, and I hear Jude call, “See what? What’s going on in there?” The door swings all the way open as the British biker surveys the room. “Oh, bollocks. There’s nothing exciting here. They both have their clothes on, for chrissake.”

“Get out of here, you fucking perv,” Lucy yells, throwing a pillow at him.

“You sure, love?” Jude asks, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe while shooting her a wicked grin. “We could remedy the lack of nudity in no time if I stay.”