Page 27 of Linc

Lucy pops up into a sitting position and points at him. “Out. Now.”

Linc puts a hand on Jude’s chest and pushes him out the door.

“I just wanted to let you know the food will be ready soon. We’re having a bit of a celebration since we just got back from a run, so it might get a little rowdy,” Linc warns.

“Sweetheart, me and this girl have been working in bars for the last five years. Trust me, we can handle rowdy,” Lucy replies.

“What else do you think you can handle?” Jude asks, looking Lucy over.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she tells him, batting her eyelashes dramatically. “Now, get the hell out of our room.”

Linc shakes his head at the ridiculous ribbing between his best friend and mine before focusing his gaze on me.

“If you want to eat in your room, I’d completely understand.”

“I’m good. We’ll meet you out there in a few.” I offer him a small smile before he closes the door behind him.

“See,” Lucy starts. “Smashole.”

Dinner is a casual affair. Apparently, none of these guys cook for themselves, so what I’ve come to know as club bunnies make their meals for them. If Stacia has anything to do with it, I can only pray she hasn’t poisoned my food.

We get a few curious stares from the bikers. Nothing that makes me feel uncomfortable, but I can tell they’re wondering how we’re going to react to being in a clubhouse full of bikers. Especially if things get wild, as Linc warned. The bunnies, on the other hand, are a different story. There’s downright hostility in their eyes when any of them look at me or Lucy. I guess Stacia didn’t have the nicest things to say about us to her friends. Shocker.

After dinner, Lucy and I go back to our room to lie down. The last two days have taken it out of me, to say the least. Linc looked a little too relieved when I told him Lucy and I were going to bow out of tonight’s festivities. I’m glad he’s home with his brothers, but I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit it cut a little when I saw that look on his face.

Lying in bed, I’m enjoying one of the books I grabbed from our house before coming to Shine. I need to get out of my head and into a fictional world right now.

“Do you want to go out there and see what all the fuss is about?” Lucy asks from her bed.

“What fuss?” I ask, looking away from my book. Generally, the answer to that question is no, especially considering I just got to the part in my book when they first kiss. I’m a sucker for those, considering I haven’t had a first kiss in what feels like forever.

“A biker party,” she responds.

“I doubt we’re missing much, but if you want to go, I’ll come with you.”

I don’t know much about parties in a biker compound, but I know they can get out of control, at least if the television shows I’ve watched are true.

The drinking began before dinner. At this point, everyone except us are at least two sheets to the wind if not the full three.

I’ve never stepped foot inside a biker compound, but have plenty of experience working in bars, watching all the drunks make fools of themselves and do things that had they been sober would have never crossed their minds. This is similar but turned up about seventeen notches. And I doubt any of these guys would have a problem doing half this shit sober.

The women here are wearing fewer clothes than any of the people who came into the bar where we used to work, like a lot less. I didn’t realize there was a way to make jean shorts look like underwear, and Victoria has no secrets in this place. Apparently, they even have girls here from the strip club the MC owns for entertainment, according to the conversation I heard walking to the bar. I’ll say one thing, the rules that I’ve heard are enforced in a strip club don’t apply here.

We try not to look like a deer in headlights, but it’s not easy, considering I’ve never been to a strip club, and this looks like one on steroids. I’m not one to judge how a woman uses her body, but I won’t deny I’m feeling a little out of place.

This is how Linc spends his free time—partying with women who are willing to give him anything he wants without any attachment.

The room is wall to wall with people dancing, mostly the girls with each other or on the laps of bikers.

When a shrill laugh sounds from the other side of the bar, I look over and see Stacia hanging off Linc’s arm, trying to be the center of his attention. To his credit, he doesn’t seem at all interested in having her there, but it’s making me wonder if this is why he didn’t seem to want me and Lucy here tonight. He may look a little irritated having her there, but then why wouldn’t he just shrug her off? And why the hell do I care?

Lucy asks what I want to drink, pulling my attention away from Linc and his “friend.” The man behind the bar, wearing a patch that says prospect, plops down two beers in front of us, then immediately goes back to Linc and leans over the bar to tell him something. Linc and Stacia turn their gaze in our direction. The human barnacle has a sour look on her face when Linc detaches from her clutches and makes his way over to us.

“Decided to come join the party, Charlie Pie?”

Oh God, another nickname. While the last couple attempts were cute, this time nothing but annoyance prickles at me.

“Yup,” I reply, popping the P.