Page 28 of Linc

Linc looks from me to Lucy, then back to me with confusion written across his face. Honestly, I’m a little confused by my reaction, too. I have no claim on him. He can flirt or fuck anyone he wants. It’s obvious he’s done both with Stacia.

“You still tired from the trip?” he asks, trying to start a conversation.


“Okay,” he draws out, obviously still not getting that I don’t want to talk to him.

Lucy chuckles and shakes her head, muttering “dumbass” under her breath.

I shoot her a glare, and she shrugs as though she can’t possibly understand why I don’t need her commentary at this moment.

“Did I do something to upset you,” Linc asks. “I didn’t think the nickname was that bad.” Linc laughs at his own joke, and I continue to stare at my beer.

“Why would you think that?” I ask with an attitude that surprises even me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the fucks to give.

Linc’s head cocks to the side. “Well, you’ve barely looked at me since I walked over here,” he replies, glancing back toward where he came from. As soon as his eyes land on Stacia, his confusion clears and is replaced with irritation.

“Look, Charlie, I’m not some knight in shining armor who’s lived a chaste life. If that’s what you’re expecting, you’ve got the wrong guy.”

“You think that’s what I expect from you?” I shoot him a scathing glare. “I never thought you were some sort of sainted biker, for chrissake.”

“Listen, I’m not going to tiptoe around you just because you’re staying here for the time being. This isn’t your life, but it is mine. I don’t dig the jealousy angle, Charlie.”

The nerve of this man.

“I never once told you to be anything you aren’t. You’re more than entitled to have your fun.” I look around the clubhouse at everyone having a good time—dancing and drinking, and generally not giving a fuck about what anyone thinks. “In fact, I think I’ll do the same.”

I grab my beer and Lucy’s hand and make my way to the pool tables.

Fishing a quarter out of my pocket, I slap it on the edge of the table. “I’ve got the next game,” I tell the group of bikers.

Barrett is among them, and he looks from me to Linc. “Sounds good,” he says, nodding his head.

Another wave of irritation comes over me. Did he seriously just do that man look thing with Linc to get his permission? I would look over to the biker in question, but if he can have fun without “tip-toeing,” then so can I.

Lucy and I make our way to where the pool cues are hanging against the wall, each of us grabbing one and the blue cue chalk.

“Charlie, while I love this ‘badass, no one is going to make me feel like I don’t matter attitude’ you got going on, do you remember how bad you are at pool? Like seriously, you’re one of the worst I’ve ever seen.”

She’s completely right. I actually hate pool, probably because I suck so bad at it. The ridiculous fact that I’m more interested in making Linc jealous—for reasons I’m not going to touch—rather than being concerned with pissing off a 6‘2“ biker in his own clubhouse and probably causing myself public embarrassment is not lost on me. Too bad I’m past the point of caring.

It’s all been too much, too fast. Seeing Linc again, having some weird and completely foreign feelings for a man I don’t really know, then being carted to Massachusetts because my ex found me and shot up the bar I worked at has my common sense flying right out the window. But you know what? I’m so fucking tired of being scared all the time and always watching my back. That’s going to change, at least for one night.

“This isn’t about the game Lucy. It’s about having fun.” I shoot her a wide smile that she sees through in an instant.

“Oh, it’s about a game alright.” She arches her brow, looking at the group of bikers standing around the pool table. “Just not this one.”

Chapter nine


“Well,thisisgoingspectacularly well,” Jude says from next to me as I watch Charlie chalk her pool stick and blow the dust off. It makes me wonder if the little vixen realizes the half-boner she’s giving my brothers right now. Shit, the way her lips form that O when she blows is far from having no effect on me.

“She can do what she wants. I’m not going to stop her from letting loose for the night.”

Jude barks out a laugh and shakes his head. “No, you’re just going to sit here seething instead.” He clasps a hand on my shoulder. “Great plan, mate.”

The truth of the matter is, Charlie can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants. I told her that was how I lived my life, after all. I certainly can’t expect her not to do the same, and yet… I swipe a hand over my face. Jesus, what the hell has gotten into me?