Page 29 of Linc

Part of me is glad she saw Stacia hanging on me. Charlie doesn’t need any ideas in her head that I’m anything more than a guy who likes to ride bikes with his brothers and is wholly averse to having any sort of long-term attachments. That’s the last thing I need in my life. I’d already been sent away for six years, and there’s always a chance a man who lives the life I do could do a lot more time. There’s no way in hell I would want to leave my woman to deal with the fallout from that. I can’t promise anyone anything more than a couple rolls between my sheets. It’s for their own good as much as mine. And yet…

“I need another beer,” I say to my friend, signaling to the prospect behind the bar.

“Sounds good. Let’s drown our worries tonight. We can unpack all this shit tomorrow,” Jude says, holding up his own bottle.

“There’s nothing to unpack.”

“No? My mistake,” he says, raising his fresh beer to his lips. “Damn, I didn’t realize all that was under those loose jeans she was wearing the other night.”

I look toward where Jude has his eyes fixed and watch as Charlie bends over the pool table, her ass practically hanging out of the tight shorts she’s wearing. When I look at my brothers, it’s obvious I’m not the only one noticing. It’s ridiculous that in a room full of half-naked women, my brothers can’t stop staring at the girl who has the most skin covered.

I’d like to say it doesn’t bother me in the least, but I’ve never been very good at lying to myself, and Jude sees through my bullshit, anyway.

“You may want to go over there and give her some tips on making the ball in the pocket before someone else does, if you catch my drift.”

I look at my best friend and the urge to punch him in the face is strong.

“You one of the guys who would like to coach her on that?” I snarl through clenched teeth.

Jude looks at me and chuckles. “Nope. I’m not one to encroach on another man’s territory.”

“She’s not my anything. Just someone who was dealt a shit hand, and I’m trying to help.”

Jude laughs again, and I’m finding it harder and harder to see what he thinks is so damn funny.

“Whatever you say, mate.”

Stacia saunters over with a couple shots in her hand as Charlie rounds to the other side of the table and studies the balls.

“I got us a couple shots, baby. If you want, we can grab a bottle and head back to your room,” she purrs, handing me the small glass.

That’s exactly what I should do. I should take Stacia back to my room and fuck her all night. Unfortunately for both of us, the idea turns sour in my stomach the moment I consider it.

I grab the shot from Stacia’s hand and down it without waiting for her to drink hers.

“Not tonight, Stac.”

She gives me an annoying pout and looks over to where I just had my gaze set. “I see,” she says glaring at Charlie. “Well, you know where to find me if you change your mind.”

Stacia has always been a nice girl, but it hasn’t escaped my attention that she’s been a little clingy lately. I’ve never made any promises to her about things being more than what they are. She’s seen me with other girls, shit she’s been in my bed with me and other girls, but lately, something has changed. Now with Charlie here, she seems to be trying even harder to insert herself.

I hear a cheer come from the pool tables and see my brother, Barrett, grabbing Charlie by the waist and swinging her around.

I see red.

Before I know what I’m doing, my feet are carrying me to the pool table, where I stand with my legs spread apart and my arms crossed over my chest right behind Charlie and Barrett.

“What’s so exciting over here?” I ask with gritted teeth as Barrett and Charlie look at me over her shoulder.

“This pool shark just made the winning shot,” Barrett replies.

“Why are you happy about it?” I ask. “You weren’t on the same team.”

Barrett sets Charlie down with a sheepish look as Charlie’s eyes shoot fire in my direction.

“He can’t be happy I finally made a shot?” she asks, jutting her hip out and resting her fist on it.

“He can and obviously is, considering he felt the need to manhandle you to celebrate, even though you beat him.”