Page 64 of Stepbrother Dearest

“Do you need money?” he asked softly.




“Gray.” He frowned. “I know you’ve got this thing with being the big brother and not letting me help you, but I hate when you do this.”

“Do what?”

“Sacrifice everything for your pride.”

“It’s not pride.”

“I have money saved up. I’ve been building a nest egg for when I stop camming. And West got that huge bonus with his new job. Please let me help you.”

The reminder that West wasn’t just my brother’s perfect boyfriend, but also rich as fuck and super successful made my stomach sour. I kept my face neutral, but the thought of taking anything from either of them was a giant nope.

“I’m fine.”

“Like you were fine in March when I found out you were couch-surfing? Or when you were fine before you moved in with Evie and you were living in your car?” His expression softened. “I’m not trying to be an ass and throw that in your face. But you say you’re fine when we both know you’re not.”

I didn’t know how to respond. He wasn’t wrong.

“Can I at least pay your hospital bill?”

I opened my mouth to tell him no, but he cut me off.

“Please. I’m still pissed you didn’t tell me when it happened.”

“I didn’t want to worry you.”

“Don’t care. You’re my big brother and my best friend. If something happens, you tell me. I love how protective you are and how you take care of me, but we’re not kids anymore. Let me be there for you the way you’re always there for me.”

“Okay. You’re right. Thank you.”

He beamed and sat up straight. “Forward me the bill when you get a chance.”

I nodded.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you have any plans for the weekend?”

“I’m fine. And not really. Just chilling.”

“Okay.” He glanced to the side. “I gotta go. West is taking me to a robotics competition tonight.”

I chuckled. “At least he knows how to keep you entertained.”

“I get to geek out over the robots and he gets to cheer as they destroy each other. Win-win.”

“Enjoy. Text me while you’re in Cali and let me know how it is.”

“Duh.” He rolled his eyes. “Be prepared to get photos of absolutely everything that I find even remotely interesting and a detailed breakdown of every hour of the trip from when we leave the house to when we get back.”

“Can’t wait.” I smiled. “Have a good night.”

“Night.” He blew me a kiss and ended the video call.