Page 63 of Stepbrother Dearest

“Maybe not,” I conceded. “But I’m not little.”

“Anyone who’s seen you dance knows that.” Dash waggled his eyebrows. “Especially when you wear the gold briefs.”

My face flushed hot at the memory of Caleb’s dick. How insanely huge he was. How he dwarfed my own eight-incher in comparison.

Biggs cleared his throat again. Everyone gave him their attention.

I half listened as he went over plans for the club and broke down what they’d be doing over the next few weeks.

The strangest part about hooking up with Caleb was how I didn’t feel weird about it. Sure, I was weirded out by how it had gone down and that it had happened at all, but not by how I’d acted.

Caleb might have reduced me to a blubbering, needy mess, but it had been the best sex of my life. I’d never been able to get out of my head like that, and as much as I hated to admit it, he’d been right. I hadn’t come that hard in a long time, possibly never.

Sex was usually a meh experience for me. It felt good, I came, but it was barely better than jerking off. But Caleb…

Ugh. I needed to stop thinking about him. It was done and over. He’d inadvertently shown me a side of myself I hadn’t known existed, but that was it. Time to pack the memories away and pull them out when I was alone and needed some jerk-off fodder.

“Come on.” Nick jumped off my lap.

“Huh?” I blinked. I’d zoned out there for a moment.

“Let’s check out the contracts.” He motioned to where Biggs was handing out bundles of papers.

“Yeah. Right.” I cleared my throat and stood.

Tonight had gone better than any of the scenarios I had imagined before coming here. Things weren’t great, but they could have been worse.

* * *

“I’m nervous.”

My brother’s face filled my phone screen as he shifted on his bed.

“It’s normal to be nervous.”

“I know.” He bit his lip. “But it’s stupid. I’m twenty and I’m scared of flying.”

“You’ve never been on a plane. I’m sure it’ll be fine once you’re there.”

“Maybe.” He smiled. “And it’ll help that West will be there. He’s used to flying. And he made me a little travel bag with all the essentials. Isn’t that sweet of him?”

“It is.” I smiled, even as my stomach rolled over.

Eli and his boyfriend were planning a trip to California to find an apartment for when Eli started grad school in September. Up until a few months ago, I was supposed to be the one going on the trip with him. I’d never been on a plane either, and I’d been looking forward to sharing that experience and helping set him up for the next chapter of his life.

But now his boyfriend was not only helping him, he was moving with him. And of course the man was my former rival. He’d destroyed my life and was one of the first guys I’d had a crush on.

“Have you found a new job yet?”

I focused back on the screen. “Not yet. But I might have something lined up for next week.”

“Really? That’s great. What is it?”

“River and Zane said their crew has a big job coming up and they’ll need some temps.”

“That’s good. And the club opens up again in two weeks?”

“It does. Things are good,” I lied.