Cade gingerly lowers himself to the corner booth in the back of the bar. He was injured over a year ago when an IED blew off the bottom of his left leg. He’s handled the entire ordeal like the badass he is. He has a collection of prosthetics for different tasks, kinda like that animated Captain Hook.
“Did you find her?” he asks.
I nod. I can’t hide the smile that covers my face. “She’s at her school. I’m going to head over there in a few.”
Cade shakes his head. “I can’t believe you, of all people, have fallen this hard.”
“I haven’t fallen anywhere. It’s just sex. Fucking awesome sex.” The best sex I’ve ever had. “And aside from you, she’s the only person I know here.”
“Sure.” Cade takes a sip of his beer.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
My friend’s shoulders rise casually. “I think this chick is more than awesome sex.”
Something in Cade’s words nags at me. There’s truth hidden in there—a truth I’m unwilling to admit. Like all the times between missions when I’ve had an opportunity to seek out female companionship, I’ve settled for my hand and the memory of how sweet Jane’s sweet pussy tasted.
I shift in my seat. “It’s sex,” I repeat. “I don’t even know her that well.”
“Excellent news because that chick at the bar has been eye-fucking you since I sat down.” Cade tips his chin to indicate the woman in question.
I find her immediately. Hot body, curves for days, and long red hair. She wraps her pink lips around the straw in her fruity drink and sucks long and hard. It’s a bold proposition and not even a stirring in my pants. What the hell is wrong with me?
“I’ll make her wait a little longer, and then I’ll go talk to her,” I say.
“Suit yourself.” Cade takes a long draw of his beer. “What did the physical therapist say?”
“Nothing’s changed.” I flex my left hand, stretching my fingers. “My fingers are still numb, and the nerve damage doesn’t seem to be repairing itself. He wants me to continue with the exercises.” I drain my beer. “I sold another design to Brick.”
“Another SEAL tattoo?” Cade asks, letting me change the subject.
“Nah. This one is something I’ve been tinkering with, but he said it’d be a big seller.” I should be thankful that I can still draw and that the numbness hasn’t affected my ability to hold a pencil. I have to keep working, doing my therapy, and eventually, everything will go back to the way it should be. I’ll be back out there with my MK-15 on my shoulder.
“She’s done waiting,” Cade says.
Before Cade can answer, the redhead from the bar sidles up to our table. “Hey,” she says, her voice throaty. “My name’s Candy.”
“Of course it is,” Cade says as he rises to his feet. “Candy, this is Kevin. I’ll catch you later, brother. Have a good one.”
I nod but say nothing.
Candy takes it upon herself to sit in the booth. “So, what do you do?”
“I’m in the navy.”
Her eyes widen. “I’m a vet.”
“Really? What branch?”
She giggles. “A veterinarian. I work on animals.”
“Pretty and smart,” I say with a nod.
Her eyes flash, and her pupils dilate. Her gaze searches my face and slides predatorily down my body. I could take her back to my hotel room. She’d say yes. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even have to ask. I’d merely have to grab her hand and stand because I’m certain she’d follow. But no matter how much I can objectively see that she’s an attractive woman, I feel no stirrings of lust or desire when I look at her.
She puts her hand on my bicep, slides a finger into the tight cuff, and pushes up. “Can I see your ink?”