Page 12 of Shadow Break

“Are you serious? And you call me paranoid.”

“Either way, I don’t think we can let this go.”

“Two seconds ago you were laughing at me.”

“All I did was smile. Trying to ease your mind. It may have looked like I was taking it lightly, but I’m not.”

“I told Gretta I’d make a formal complaint.”

“That’s not what I mean. I think you need protection.”

“From what?”

“Like I said, we don’t know who’s listening. And now that that article is out there, there could be more.”

Syd sighed up at the ceiling. “You really think the KGB is keeping tabs on our local newspaper?”

“The KGB doesn’t exist anymore.”

“It was a joke.”

“Well, I’m not joking. This article proves that word is getting out and even though it’s not accurate, what you’ve found is, in fact, dangerous.”

“The article didn’t even mention that part.”

“They didn’t have to. It still draws attention and I’m responsible for you. I’m concerned that you may be in danger.”

“You can walk me to my car.”

“Syd, come on.”

“What? You want me to get a gun or something?”

“I know someone.”

“You have got to be kidding.”

“I’m not. I know someone at the attorney general’s office. Let me just fill him in on what we can and see what he has to say about it. Please, Syd. You’re the backbone of this research and it’s important. Can you imagine the good that you will do once you’ve perfected the drug? Imagine cancer patients living a normal life while going through treatment. Please, let me do this.”

“Fine. But if your AG friend wants to send a bodyguard, he better not get in the way.”

“They’re experts at that stuff. It will be fine.”


Aaron approacheda straight-backed woman typing at her desk.

Only her eyes lifted when he stood before her desk.

“He’s expecting you,” she said, then looked back at the screen.

Grace had worked in the office longer than Aaron had. She had watched quietly as the previous Special Agent in Charge Carla Meeks was arrested. But Grace had remained stoic through it all. She never appeared ruffled and as the new boss moved in, she was a positive presence of steadfastness in a disquieted office.

Aaron leaned toward Grace, resting his palm on her desk. Judging by the grimace on her face, he’d say his boss wasn’t in a good mood. “Is he grumpy today?”

Grace nodded, her helmet of curly white hair unyielding to the motion.

“Is it my fault?”