Page 11 of Shadow Break

“Sure they do, but my research has nothing to do with that. It’s cancer research. We’re working out the wrinkles to remove unwanted side effects, which I’m assuming your article refers to, however, the information you published is completely inaccurate.”

“Are you speaking on the record?”

“No. Don’t print a word I say or else I’ll slap you with a lawsuit.”

“If the information isn’t accurate, then it isn’t confidential information. It’s no information.”

“And you’re happy to be spreading fake news?”

Greta snorted. “Fake news. Listen, I don’t know what you’re so wound up about. I’d be happy to discuss with you the real side effects of your research. How many mice have you killed so far?”

“That has nothing to do with it. If you won’t tell me who your source is, I’ll have to take this matter to the authorities. I could sue you for defamation of character.” Syd tried to sound threatening, but she was shaking, and her voice quavered involuntarily.

“If you feel that’s best.”

“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.” She hung up, then regretted it.

Chris was frowning. “Didn’t go so well?”

“No. I don’t think I handled that very professionally.”

“You’re going to call your lawyer?” Chris smiled into the fist he was leaning his chin on.

“What difference would it make?”

“If it helps, I think I might know who her source is.”

“You do?”

“You remember that student we had working with us for a couple of months?”

“Who, Theo?”

“He was getting agitated about using the mice. I think he bonded with them.”

“And? You think he got that article printed because he wanted payback? Some sort of retribution for the mice?”

“I don’t know, but he asked a lot of questions.”

“Isn’t that what a student is supposed to do?”

“The type of questions that students don’t ask.”

“And what did you tell him?”

“Nothing important, but I got the feeling he knew more than he let on. I caught him snooping around one afternoon.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you’re already over-the-top with security measures.”

“Turns out they aren’t so over-the-top, though, are they? But he couldn’t have gotten anything.”

“My point exactly. Just enough for a wild story for the local paper.”

“But how would he even know to look for anything? Why would he think there was something to find?”

“I’m no conspiracy theorist, but you never know who’s listening.”