Chapter 1
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.
That sounds so bitter! I can’t believe I’m really allowing myself to mope while my best friend is getting ready for the most important day of her life so far. It’s not that I’m unhappy about Allegra, I was thrilled when she announced her engagement and proud to be chosen as her maid of honor. We’ve been close friends for as long as I can remember. She was there for me when my heart was broken for the first time, she helped me study when I struggled with a difficult professor, and I was even there when she met Adam, the man who went on to become the love of her life.
“Lexie!” Allegra cries out, shaking me from my thoughts.
It’s been a busy few days, and now that the ceremony is minutes away, it’s my job as the maid of honor to put out all those little fires so Allegra can enjoy her special day. Drifting off and worrying about my own life isn’t where my head should be.
“Oh my God Ally!, you look so beautiful.” I gasp as Allegra finally steps in front of the mirror clad in the most gorgeous wedding gown I’ve ever seen in my life. I saw her modeling it before but never with her hair and makeup done.
Now she’s standing here smiling so wide that it melts my heart. Allegra deserves all the happiness in the world. So of course I’m happy for her. Ecstatic even. At the same time I have to wonder when will my time come. Will my timeevercome?
It’s not that I haven’t met men interested in dating me. There are plenty of guys out there, but I’m certain there’s only one Mr. Right, and I’m not interested in jumping from Mr. Right, to Mr. Right now, while I wait for true love.
I’ve always been cautious when it comes to relationships. I try to get to know the guy to create a bond of mutual trust… but in the end, it never seems to work out. Either they aren’t willing to wait for our relationship to become serious before being intimate, they cheat and lie, or … well, they simply aren’t right for me.
Maybe following all the right steps won’t lead me to my happily ever after. Maybe I need to take chances, stop being so cautious and abandon this outdated idea that my first time with a man needs to be this romantic, special, and magical moment. What if that’s what is holding me back? What if I’m too cautious, even too meticulous about something that should be about emotions and excitement? I mean, Allegra and Adam met in a crazy whirlwind, didn’t they?
I’ve been following my mind when I should have been following my heart all along.
“So… are you ready?” I ask, offering her the beautiful white lily bouquet we’ve been keeping in the minibar, just as the florist recommended. She takes it and nods, barely able to contain her excitement. I notice she’s trembling. I better hold her so she doesn’t fall.
“Yes! Oh, Lexie, I’m so glad you’re here. I don’t know what I would have done without you helping me every step of the way. This is just… well, it’s perfect, isn’t it?”
We share a quick hug, mostly because both Allegra and I know we’ll start to cry if we continue down this path and our makeup looks far too good to ruin before the ceremony even starts. We better try and hold it together at least until Adam gets his first look at her.
“Okay come on then, let’s go,” I say with a final smile. “Let’s marry you off already.”
I take Allegra’s hand and walk down the spiral staircase through the most beautiful Italian villa I have ever seen. It’s sweet, so rustic, genuinely Mediterranean and perfect. I couldn’t imagine a more gorgeous place for my best friend to get married - at long last.
The guests are all waiting in the main hall, sitting in their seats, looking at the beautiful archway of flowers where Adam in his crisp charcoal suit is waiting impatiently for his bride. He might look calm and collected on the surface but I know better. He can’t wait for Allegra and him to be bound together forever.
“Look at him,” Allegra whispers happily, gripping hard on to my arm. “Just look, he’s gorgeous isn’t he? I’m so lucky to be marrying him.”
I can see she’s enjoying the moment of staring without him knowing she’s there. Seeing that intense love shining in my best friend’s eyes makes my chest pang even more. Being at a wedding makes my craving for love damn near overwhelming.
Get it together,I warn myself fiercely.This isn’t about you.
After a brief moment it seems like Allegra is done staring at Adam from a distance. She wants to get to him now, so I cued for the music to begin. The excitement is palpable as she starts to walk down the aisle. I can’t help but get all caught up in the moment. I definitely don’t think I’ll be able to hold it together for long, the tears are threatening to make an appearance already. This is all just so beautiful and I love it.
And then Adam turns. The moment he sees his wife for the very first time in her wedding dress will be etched in my memory forever. That’s what I want and why I’ve been so picky and meticulous with my love life. I want a man to look at me that way. I want to believe that I’m the best thing to ever happen to him. It must be glorious.
I take my spot to the side of Allegra and watch in awe as she takes his hands, and the ceremony begins. Thank goodness I’m here. I would hate to miss this especially because of money. Allegra’s family happily paid for me to fly to Italy to attend because I’m barely scraping by at the moment – being fresh out of college is a rough time when it comes to money – and I’m so grateful. Much as the whole ceremony is putting my own lack of love under the spotlight, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.
It's only when the vows are spoken that I sense a set of eyes upon me. I don’t know why anyone would be staring at me rather than the love story flourishing in front of our very eyes, but as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge, I can't stop my eyes from darting around to scan the good-looking crowd. It’s almost as if Allegra and Adam only know beautiful people… wow, how have I never noticed that before?
Holy shit!As soon as I find out who’s staring at me -a man with a lopsided grin on his face - lightning bolts of shock ricochet through me. I don’t know this man and can’t think of a time when I have seen him before. I would definitely recall a rugged handsome face like that but he’s smiling at me as if we share a secret. As if we’re here to have some fun.
I swallow hard noticing that my heart has started to thunder in my chest. This guy ishotpossibly the best looking guy I have ever laid eyes on. A fizzle of excitement bubbles in the pit of my stomach causing my thighs to squeeze together hard. I don’t know who he is but my God I want to know. Especially because he’s staring at me with an intense hunger. Like he wants to devour me whole… and my God I want to be devoured by him.
He’s the sort of man who definitely makes me want to throw caution to the wind, stop myself from being so sensible and have some romance. One look has me stripping naked for him right here and now, needing to try something new.
I shouldn’t, I tell myself, although there’s no way my body is listening to the rational thoughts trying to make sense in my brain.But oh dear, I so want to…