I could have fun, couldn’t I? There’s no stopping me from having a good time while I’m here in Italy. I mean, my usual way of thinking isn’t working out for me, right?

What am I thinking?I suddenly snap my eyes away before I get way too carried away in a fantasy I can’t let come to life…even though itwouldbe fun. But a one night stand at my best friend’s wedding… yeah, I don’t think that’s the best plan. I’m supposed to be by Allegra’s side doing whatever she needs me to do.

I try and push the hottie from my mind. I even try to concentrate on the wedding ceremony but there might as well be a magnet between me and that man. He keeps drawing my gaze his way no matter what. That shit-eating smile… why do I like it way more than I should? Who the hell is this man and what is he doing to me? I feel like I’m in trouble…


The photo shoot isalotof fun; we have a great laugh throughout. The only time it’s a little awkward is when I’m positioned a little too close to the hot guy who seems to be great friends with Adam. Feeling the heat burn off him was wild. I don’t know if I managed to disguise my emotions - I’ve never been too great at that. My mother used to tell me that I wear my feelings all over my face and I’m as easy to read as a book.

“I think Frederico has set his sights on you tonight,” Allegra tells me in a sing song voice as we head to the reception dinner. “Mr. D’Amici keeps looking your way.”

Heat rises in my body and flushes my cheeks. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I don’t know if Allegra knows but I feign ignorance because it feels safe.

“Well, you will know,” Allegra laughs. “He’s a very charming man. A billionaire, I think. I don’t know for sure but his shipping company is super successful… as is he.”

So, he’s trouble. I guessed as much but now I have confirmation. Whatever he has stirring in my loins I need to shut that shit down. I can’t throw caution to the wind with a known playboy, a charmer who will offer me the world and give me nothing. I have to be smarter than that. Even if the gorgeous Italian sunshine is making me feel a little wild.

“Don’t you worry, no one will charm me. You know what I’m like. I don’t think I even noticed this guy anyway, so…”

“Hmm, I don’t know about that. Frederico isn’t easy to miss.”

“Well… I…” I can almost feel how burning hot my cheeks feel. This is not going well. “I’m not concerned about some billionaire. I’m here to celebrate you.”

Allegra arches an eyebrow, not quite believing me. I don’t say another word about Frederico so she can’t either. He’s irrelevant today anyway; this is all about the brand new husband and wife. Thankfully, as we head into the reception dinner, any thoughts of Frederico vanish, so I can breathe a little easier once more. As long as I don’t meet his eyes again for the rest of the night, everything should be just fine…

Chapter 2


Idon’tknowwhothe gorgeous bridesmaid is but I’m determined to find out. I didn’t think there would be anyone fun at the wedding, I didn’t hold out much hope but thenshecaught my eye. The moment she walked down the aisle I was captivated - enthralled by her curves in the lavender gown, her wavy brunette hair spilling down her back and her piercing green eyes too. As soon as I spotted her, I knew.

She’s mine for the night, no doubt about it. I’m going to claim her as soon as I can get her alone and make sure she’s charmed intomybed and no one else’s. Adam might have warned me to behave at his wedding but that doesn’t mean I have to listen to him.

Anyway, I can see now that he’s had way too much to drink. At dinner, he was knocking back the champagne like there’s no tomorrow so I don’t think he’s going to be too worried about me now. He hasn’t taken his eyes off his new wife for even a second, so yeah… it’s fine.

Allegra tosses her head back and laughs at something Adam has said to her as they share their first dance as husband and wife. I find myself smiling at the sight of them, which is rare. I’m not usually all happy and emotional about marriage, or the concept of “the one”. It all seems like nonsense to me. A waste of time…

I didn’talwaysfeel that way. I was going to get married once upon a time to someone I thought I loved, Marianne. But when she and my unborn child were cruelly killed in a horrible traffic accident, I realized that the myth wasn’t the truth. There is no true love - no happy ever after - so there’s no point in putting my heart on the line, ever.

So, nights of fun just like this one is promising to be is all I want. No strings attached, no feelings involved, just good times and great memories. What could be better? I catch sight of her again, the mystery brunette who has captivated me for the night. My heart skips a beat as her eyes lock onto mine. I can tell she’s trying to hold back and retrain herself. She looks like a very careful person but that only makes it a lot more fun for me. Unraveling tight women and seeing them unleashed is always exciting.

I lift my fingers up and wave to her, wiggling my fingers playfully, which of course makes her snap her eyes away. I chuckle to myself as the heat burns visibly on her cheeks. I know I’m getting under her skin. Already, even without talking to her, I’m having an effect. Soon she’ll be losing her mind showing me her most vulnerable state and I can’t wait.

Eventually, other people join the happy couple on the dance floor but not me. I head back to the bar for another drink just as my new friend is doing the same…

“Hello there.” I rest my hand on her shoulder making her flinch a little; but she doesn’t shake me off. “It’s good to finally meet you. It feels like we’ve been destined to talk all day.”

“Destined?” I love the way she raises a suspicious eyebrow. She must have the same opinion of love as I do - that it’s all a waste of time and effort. “I don’t know about that.”

I lean on the bar beside her smirking. “Well, destined to buy you a drink anyway.”

She rolls her eyes but hands me her glass. “I guess I can’t say no to that.”

I order us both a cocktail as the excitement of the chase builds up. Every time I look at her, I meet her eyes and feel that shiver of thrill plummeting down my spine.

“So, you aren’t on the dance floor yet?” I ask as she takes the drink from me.