“It’s settled,” CJ says in triumph. “Let’s get out of here before any parents notice. I’m so not doing chores today.”
“Fuck chores,” Jace agrees, playfully nudging Destiny.
“I do hate chores,” Dez blurts out and then giggles.
Ten minutes later and we’re all slipping past the adults standing around the fire and hurrying out of the gate. The tents from CJ’s group are scattered around the woods. Crying babies, soft singing, and occasional voices can be heard. Not all of the people are as friendly as CJ and Jace. Most still seem skittish, hanging back in their tents and letting Michael and Owen do all the entertaining.
When we reach the end of the fence, I make sure Jace is doing as promised—holding Destiny’s hand—before trotting ahead to take the lead. Mage bounces after me, darting through CJ’s feet and nearly making him fall on his face. We all quietly laugh at his near misfortune. Eventually, we make it around the back side of our fortified property to the steps that will take us down the cliffside to the river. Long ago, probably before I was born, Dad and Uncle Atticus built the stairs to make it easier for us to get water when we didn’t have a rainwater collection system in place yet.
“Be careful,” I warn everyone behind me. “One misstep and you’ll take quite a tumble. I still have a scar on my knee from falling once. A wrong move and you could break your neck.”
I look over my shoulder to see if anyone is intimidated by my words. Carter is frowning and appears to be slightly afraid. CJ is grinning from ear to ear, which is his usual MO. Jace and Destiny both wear determined expressions as they carefully make their way down.
Maybe I’ll scare them about bears instead.
“Rowdy says there’s a momma grizzly around here and she’s territorial over her cubs,” I tell them when I reach the bottom of the steps, slightly out of breath. “Who will she eat first?”
This earns me a better reaction. All four of my adventure mates frown at me. Satisfied, I smirk and continue along the path toward Rowdy’s house. Not that he’s there. He’s been stalking us and the property, doing Dad’s bidding to protect us.
CJ sidles up next to me, taking hold of my hand. At first, I think he’s afraid of my bear talk, but then his thumb strokes over my flesh, sending goose bumps over my skin. I cut my eyes his way, unable to keep my heart from tripping over itself when he flashes me a wicked smile.
We are holding hands.
Oh my God.
I know my face is hot, but I don’t even care. I’m holding hands with a cute guy who is very much into me. Best part is that I don’t think my parents care. As long as I don’t have sex with my brothers, they’re good.
Jace chatters to Destiny, explaining things as we walk, while I get caught up in a fantasy of me and CJ. Alone and naked. Him on top of me, his penis hard and ready.
Like Ryder’s cock.
But smaller because the more I think about Ryder’s cock, the more I decide it’s too big to be going anywhere near my vagina.
Maybe CJ has a finger-sized penis. My finger fits inside me just fine.
The more I think about sexual stuff, the more flustered I get. I should have grabbed a canteen of water so I could dump it over my head right about now.
Our hike takes us past Rowdy’s cabin that my parents lived in a long time ago and onto a piece of land where Aunt Eve used to live. There supposedly used to be a shack there, but Uncle Atticus and Dad leveled it way before my memories go.
Jace stops and gives Carter a playful shove. “Snacks, bro. We’re hungry.”
CJ tugs me over to a fallen log and I sit down beside him on it. I suppress a shiver when his arm snakes around my waist, his large hand settling on my hip. Jace guides Destiny to a soft pile of pine straw and then starts unzipping Carter’s backpack. He passes out some bottles of water and then the snacks. I guess the promised booze is for later, not that I’m complaining.
“I love Skittles!” I exclaim, snatching the red bag out of Jace’s hands. “They’re my favorites.”
Jace chuckles. “Didn’t know you people would even know what they were.”
“We live in the wilderness, but we’re not uncivilized, dork.” I happily rip open my bag and dump a bunch of candies into my mouth. The sweetness is an instant joyful high.
Carter stands aside, arms hanging at his sides and not saying a word. What a weird kid. If I’d met him instead of CJ and Jace, I’d have definitely run in the other direction. Jace, upon seeing me watch Carter, smirks my way before grabbing Carter’s shoulders.
“Sit, Cart. You’re making everyone nervous.” He pushes down on Carter so that he’s forced to sit down on the pine needles next to my sister. “There. Better. Don’t get handsy with little Destiny or I’ll have to punch you.”
Carter swallows hard and brings his knees to his chest in an effort to stay away from Destiny. Good. I don’t want that freak touching her because then I would have to punch him too.
We stay long enough to finish our water bottles and snacks. Skittles and beef jerky—the store-bought kind, not the homemade kind—wrappers flutter across the earth. I feel like we should probably pick them up, because if Dad were here he would make us, but then think better of it. I’m not going to be the bossy mom on our adventure today.
“Think I can heave this rock all the way into the river?” Jace asks, a round stone in his hand. “CJ, come on, let’s bet.”