Page 33 of The Untamed

He and Mom have also been too busy to harp on me and my brothers about the creek incident. I was sure I was going to get an ass whipping for all that mouthing off I did.

It never came.

Maybe my parents could see I wasn’t being unreasonable. I don’t like Wild and have no plans to marry that freak.

For the past few days, I’ve managed to get CJ alone several times, dragging him past the food jungle along the fence where we’re hidden. Despite his teasing and charm, he’s actually well-behaved and hasn’t so much as tried to kiss me. It’s driving me insane.

“I don’t like them,” Destiny says from where she’s curled up on Ronan’s bed in my usual spot.

Not that I’m complaining. I took over his spot and inhaled his cinnamon-scented pillow every night like a lovesick stalker.

“Who?” I ask, playing dumb. “Kota and Declan?”

She sighs like a girl much older than fourteen. “No. The trespassers.”

I want to punch Ryder for making that title stick. That’s what everyone besides me and Ronan refers to them as.

“Why not?” I huff from the floor where I’m watching Mage slurp up water from his bowl. “They’re nice. Don’t be a snob, Dez.”

She combs her bony fingers through her pale blond hair, frowning at me. Though I’m probably no more than a blob of shadow to her, she pins me with a penetrating stare that makes my skin feel itchy.

“I’m not a snob,” she says patiently, ignoring my agitated squirming. “I just don’t trust them.”

“Because they’re nice?” I snap. “You’re just used to Dad and Rowdy and Ryder. Not everyone is a paranoid asshole.”

She flinches at my harsh words. “Just be careful around them, okay?”

“Maybe if you’d actually try to get to know them, you wouldn’t act like that. Have you even attempted to speak to Mya?” I demand. “What about Jace or CJ or any of the other kids close to our ages?”

Guilt makes my sister bow her head. I feel like a witch biting her head off, but she’s not even giving them a chance.

“I guess not,” she allows. “You’re right. I can try harder. It’s just always been us and the Knox family. These other people make me nervous.”

I toss a stick at Mage, but he ignores it in favor of gnawing on my boot. His sister, Spirit, is the better of the two wolf pups and doesn’t chew on everything under the sun, which is why Dad’s been letting her go into the big house. Mage would probably chew my little brothers to bits. Not that they wouldn’t deserve it.

A hard knock on the door makes both me and Destiny squeak in surprise. Mage stops chewing to yap at the sound.

I bound to my feet and rush over to answer it, expecting Ronan to be dropping by for more clothes or something. My disappointment at not seeing him is brief, followed by excitement at seeing CJ instead.

“Want to go on an adventure today?” CJ asks, flashing me a brilliant, flirty grin that makes my insides twist.

“Absolutely,” I chirp. “Let me put on my boots and grab my knife.”

It’ll always be my knife. Just like Mage is my pup. Ryder will have to get over these things.

“Jace has booze,” CJ reveals as Jace waggles his brows at me. “Carter over there has candy and beef jerky.”

Carter, one of the other kids I haven’t met before, stands awkwardly behind them but nods in agreement. He’s fifteen or sixteen if I had to guess, though he doesn’t look like Jace or CJ with their red hair, green eyes, and freckles. Carter is thin, blue-eyed, and has shaggy black hair. He definitely must be a part of one of the other families that’s in their group.

“Destiny loves candy and beef jerky,” I say, hinting at my sister that this is her moment to get to know them. “Right, sis?”

She nods slowly. “Yeah, but I don’t want to hold you all back on your adventure.”

Jace saunters into the room and plops down on the bed beside my sister. Her cheeks burn bright red. I have to stifle a snort of amusement.

“We’ll keep you safe, Destiny,” Jace assures her. “You can hold my hand if you need to.”

It’s sweet of him to want to help my nearly blind sister. CJ slings an arm over my shoulders, tugging me to him.