Page 16 of The Untamed

If I wrapped my legs around him, would his penis get hard too?

Would he thrust inside of me like Dad did with Mom, possessive and claiming?

All of our squealing and yelling are silenced. I tear my gaze from Ronan’s to see what has Ryder so quiet. He’s now treading the water behind Ronan, glowering at me.

What’s his problem?

I’m the one who’s supposed to be mad.

“What?” I snap, meeting Ryder’s glare. “You don’t get to be angry. You’re the one who cheated, not me.”

Ryder’s jaw clenches and his eyes turn stormy. He dunks under the water and when he resurfaces, he’s on the other side of the creek. I watch with a frown as he stomps out of the water. His jeans strain over his muscular thighs, but he’s no longer hard from earlier.

Ronan turns us so he can see what Ryder’s up to. He tries to extract me from his body, but I tighten my hold, wrapping my legs around his waist. Finally, he gives up on tugging me away, though he’s not about to give up on making peace.

“Ry,” he calls out. “What’s wrong?”

Ryder’s hands land on his hips as he stares off into the woods. The scar along his shoulder blade on the right side shimmers in the late afternoon light. He actually got that scar from one of the rocks in this creek when horsing around one time.

“He’s just mad he got hard again,” I whisper to Ronan. “Not my fault he wants to get me pregnant.”

Ronan flinches, snapping his head back to me. “Rae. What the fuck?”

Not one to be chastised by my siblings, I shrug, unaffected. “It’s true. I felt it.”

Something akin to pain flickers in Ronan’s brown eyes, making me instantly hate myself for revealing Ryder’s secret. Again.

“You’re going to get him in trouble,” Ronan mutters, irritation in his tone. “Why can’t you let up on him just once?”

Now it’s my time to hurt. My chest burns deep in my heart when his words stab into me. Ronan is my best friend. We don’t fight. Ever. Yet, he’s mad at me.

I swallow down my emotion, releasing my hold on him, and swim backward toward the creek bank. Ryder has disappeared into the trees, probably to take a piss or to pout or both.

“This was supposed to be fun,” I gripe as I slosh my way out of the frigid creek. “Turns out, cleaning the bathroom would have been a lot better. At least no one at home tries to drown me or yell at me.”

So much for having one last day to enjoy a rare warm day and swim before cold weather is indefinitely up on us until spring.

“Rae, wait,” Ronan calls after me. “I didn’t yell. I just—”

“Some friend you are,” I bite back. “Maybe I will go live with Uncle Atticus and Aunt Eve. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with you two idiots.”

My mean, cruel words are sour on my tongue, but when I’m angry, I can’t keep my mouth shut. Usually, Ryder is on the receiving end. Today, Ronan gets that wrath.

I bend over to grab my shirt when I get a crawling sensation of someone watching me. Ronan is watching me, but I’m not weirded out by him. This is something else—someoneelse.

Two boys come into view on our well-worn path, staring at me with wide eyes of shock.

Who the hell are these people?

Without my glasses, I can’t see why Raegan’s retreating form suddenly stops. Her fury is replaced by fear so potent I can almost taste it.

“Ryder!” I bellow, hoping like hell I don’t agitate the bear or whatever it is that’s scared Rae.

Leaves crunch behind me and then my brother curses. “Ro, get out of the water. Now.”

I wade toward the creek bank, grateful to hear Ryder splashing behind me. Just as I grab my glasses and slide them on my face, I hear voices.

Not a bear.