Two guys, a little older than me and Ryder, are gaping at my sister like they can’t believe she exists. It takes me all of three seconds to realize she’s standing there in nothing but her underwear that clings to every curve.
“Clothes on. Now,” Ryder growls, sounding very much like our father.
“You’re on private property,” I sputter out. It’s something Dad always starts with on the rare occasion we’ve run into other people who don’t belong here. Those words are usually enough to send them scampering away for good.
These guys don’t flinch or bother tearing their interested stares from Rae. Thankfully, Ryder is still half-clothed and steps in front of her. I hastily throw on my clothes, which spurs Rae into action to do the same.
“You heard him,” Ryder barks out. “This is private property. We own this land and you’re trespassing.”
Stupidly, none of us brought any weapons, too eager to play.
Dad will kill us once he finds out.
If these guys don’t kill us first.
Glancing around, I look for anything that could be used for a weapon. Dad says people traipsing around in the woods are bad and have no reason to be here except running from the law. People in these woods are dangerous.
We were so careless, we fell into their trap.
I snatch up a fallen tree branch that’s big enough to hurt if used as a weapon. One of the guys, who’s covered all over in freckles and has offensive orangish-colored hair, eyes the branch warily. He elbows the guy next to him, drawing his attention to me as well.
Freckle Guy speaks up as he lifts both palms in the air. “We’re just passing through. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
The other guy, possibly his brother since their features are similar, nods in agreement. His brows lift and I notice a scar running through one of them. “We’re not here to hurt you.”
Despite their words, I grip my branch tighter, taking a threatening step forward. I may not be as good as Ryder at most things outdoors, but I can defend myself and my family. Right now, I’m our only hope as I have a weapon.
“Leave,” I growl. “Leave before my dad shoots your heads off your shoulders.”
The guys grimace at my words. Movement in the corner of my eye tells me Raegan is now dressed, which makes me breathe a little easier knowing she can run if I need her to.
“Listen,” Scar Brow says, a playful lilt on his lips. “We’re here with our family and a couple others. Me and Jace went exploring after we set up camp. Totally didn’t expect to run into anyone.” He thrusts a hand toward Ryder. “I’m CJ.”
In the city, people shake hands. I’ve seen Dad and Atticus do it many times as a greeting. But they’re friends. These guys are trespassers.
“I’m Raegan,” my sister chirps, stepping past Ryder. “Nice to meet you.”
Before we can stop her, she shakes CJ’s hand and then Jace’s. Despite their efforts to be friendly, neither one can keep their eyes off her chest where her wet shirt clings to her breasts. Uneasiness tickles down my spine. I’m still not opposed to smacking them with my branch.
“These are Ryder and Ronan, my brothers,” she continues, a bright smile on her face. “You really are trespassing, though, and if my dad were here, he’d shoot first and ask questions later.”
Jace pales and CJ shifts on his feet, eyes darting into the woods. Good. They should be scared.
“I guess we’re dead either way,” CJ says with a groan. “When our dads find out we freaked out the owners of this property, they’re going to strangle us.”
“Not really,” Jace spits out quickly, frowning at CJ. “My cousin is dramatic.”
“I know we’re like the enemy or whatever,” CJ jokes, grinning at us, “but my sister would die to meet you all. She’s bored out of her skull. I’d say she’s around your age, Raegan.”
“Almost,” CJ confirms. “I called it. Me and Jace are both twenty-one.”
“In town, we’re allowed to buy liquor. Legally.” Jace waggles his orange eyebrows at us. He slides the strap of his backpack off one shoulder and unzips it, pulling out a bottle of brown liquor like the kind Atticus brings Dad. “Lucky for you guys, we like to share.”
The guys haven’t tried to beat us up or shoot us or anything crazy. Maybe we’re just overreacting.