Iamtheheirto the Midorian throne, but I will never be permitted to rule.
Even though I am my parents' only child, I was born a girl, and by law I was deemed unfit and therefore unworthy of wearing the crown. So, why is it that even though I will never have the chance to solely reign over the Golden Kingdom, must I suffer through my tutor's endless and tiresome lessons? Why go through the motions of preparing me to one day succeed my father, if I will never have the chance to claim my birthright?
Yet here I am, the day before my wedding, listening to this old man drivel on about the politics and history of the Six Kingdoms of Dalerin. Ramblings I already know by heart after years of having it mentally beaten into me. And honestly, these lessons are a complete waste of my time. I'm not even permitted to venture into my own city, so I doubt I will ever be allowed to travel to another kingdom in the name of diplomacy.
As I do most afternoons, I tune Master Kaius out and let my mind wander to more pleasant thoughts, like my upcoming wedding to Lord Commander Bastian Tarkin. My heart flutters at just the thought of marrying my childhood best friend. Not too many people are so fortunate, and I count my blessings that my parents didn't promise me to someone else. Bastian and I grew up together and though our marriage was arranged when I was still in infancy, I can honestly say, I'm marrying the love of my life and I can't wait.
"Princess Ilaria!" Master Kaius crinkles his eyebrows as he pounds his cane on the white marble floors. "Mind wandering again?" He shakes his head in obvious irritation. "This is exactly why women are not permitted to rule the Midorians. You show a disturbing lack of focus."
I know I shouldn't let his words rile me. I'm still recovering from the last lecture my mother gave me for ruffling the old man's feathers, but what the hell?
"Apologies, Master Kaius." I say, flashing an innocent smile, though my words are laced with venom. "Perhaps, if you did not lull me to sleep with your boring drivel, I would be a more attentive student."
His brown eyes widen in surprise before his nostrils flare, rippling wrinkles across his tan, weathered face. "I have never been more disrespected in all my years of teaching in the Golden Palace. Your parents will hear of this."
I shrug, willing to take my chances. My parents are far more focused on making sure every single detail is perfect for my wedding tomorrow. And even if Master Kaius dares to air his grievances today, he will more than likely incur their wrath than garner their sympathy. I push my chair back from the table with a smile, rising to my full height. Even with a slight hunch in his back, Master Kaius still towers over me.
"You will excuse me, Master Kaius. I do believe I have more important matters that require my attention this afternoon." I grin as I slip out of the glass dome lecture hall, knowing there isn't a thing he can do to stop me, as I saunter down the hall.
I've heard those lessons so many times, I could teach the course myself.
The Frost Elves of Elowen dwell in the Ice Kingdom and live in a palace made entirely of glass. They are standoffish, secretive, and self-absorbed.
The Trolls inhabit the jungles of Bava and keep access to the sacred volcano unknown to outsiders. They are known for being greedy, vicious, and only negotiate with other kingdoms if it benefits them.
The Sea Elves of Hydra are tricksters, but private, not allowing anyone to know anything about the underwater portion of their kingdom.
The boisterous Dwarves of Durne are masterful forgers but have been deemed untrustworthy by my father.
Which leaves the most treacherous kingdom for last: Tronovia. The Tronovians are liars, thieves, and would do anything in their power to destroy us Midorians.
Never trust a Tronovian.
It is rooted in my soul, etched across my heart. And despite Master Kaius' assessment that I am an unsatisfactory student and unsuitable heir to the throne, that is one lesson I will always hold in high regard. To befriend a Tronovian would be to commit the highest treason against Midori, and if there is one thing I am not, it's a traitor.
I slip outside into my favorite garden to admire the view of my city. It's a hot day, but I'm used to the brutal heat. Midori is the only desert kingdom in Dalerin. Miles and miles of sand surround the alabaster walls that encase the Golden City, and in the distance, the sparkling sea. When my ancestors built this city, they constructed it around a lazy river running through the center of the kingdom. Midori is an oasis with lush greenery and palms to shade the cobblestone streets. White buildings with gold dome roofs are riddled throughout the kingdom and give the city a sense of uniformity that is pleasing to my eye.
The Golden Palace has countless pools and I'm tempted to jump into one of them to cool off, but if my mother catches me, I'll be in more trouble than I care to deal with. So, I banish the temptation from my mind and wander along the perfectly landscaped gardens until I find the overlook. The canopied structure, flanked by hedges, has an unobstructed view of both the city below and the bay, where all trading is done. The rafters of the pergola are ornately decorated with wisteria vines that hang like purple tear drops. Though the plant is not native to Midori, it was shipped in from Bava, for my mother’s enjoyment. It is underneath this pergola that Bastian and I are to be wed and I can’t think of a more romantic spot to marry my best friend than where we first kissed.
I still remember it as if it were yesterday. We stole the finest bottle of wine we could find and abandoned the grand ball my parents had thrown for the Feast of the Ancestors and secretly made our way to this very spot. The moonlight's glow hit Bastian's face perfectly and made him appear otherworldly. How had I gotten so lucky to be promised to someone so handsome? His tan skin, wispy blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, and broad shoulders are not only desirable, but make it incredibly difficult to keep my hands to myself. We laughed and spoke of our future with starlight in our eyes. And before I realized it, we had leaned toward each other and kissed.
I didn’t think it was possible to love anyone more, and after our kiss, I knew I was wholly and unequivocally his.
"A little bird told me you abandoned your lessons early. Something about more important matters you had to tend to?"
I recognize the sultry, commanding voice and smile, but wipe every trace of joy from my face before I turn around to face him.
"Would that little bird have a hunched back and vicious disposition?" I twirl and my eyes collide with Bastian's. I battle to still my racing heart as he leans lazily against the archway column, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes crinkle when he smiles, and I fight the urge to kiss his dimpled cheeks. Despite his boyish charm, he is a grown man, and completelymine. If he were not my intended, I would be ferociously jealous of the lady he was destined to wed.
"I have a wedding present for you."
Bastian is the best gift giver. He travels frequently around Dalerin doing his part to ensure peace. Of course, they don’t make it easy for him as he works tirelessly as the ambassador of goodwill, but so far, his diplomacy has kept our people safe and free from the ravages of war. Even the attempts of the Tronovian devils to destroy us by stirring the other kingdoms against us have been unsuccessful. Thank the Father!
Bastian saunters toward me. "Close your eyes, Shaye, and don't peek."
I shiver when he uses my preferred name. The only time he calls me llaria is at official royal events. Hearing him address me by my middle name, which not too many people use, takes me back to our early years of friendship which blossomed into ever-growing love. I can’t wait to marry him.