"Shaye," he fusses and shakes his head. "I said, close your eyes."

I giggle and roll my eyes before complying with his request. The last gift he brought me was a stunning, emerald-filled necklace from Bava. I wore it to my twenty-first birthday celebration last year and felt like a true queen. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on me.

I feel Bas slip behind me, snaking his arms around my waist, and tugging me closer to his chest. I love sinking my back into his muscular body. The undeniable feeling of safety and affection rushes over me, which makes me smile.

"Hold out your hand," he whispers in my ear, his sweet breath tickling my neck.

I do as he instructs and extend my palm forward. Almost immediately I feel something heavy, and I curl my fingers around it, afraid I will drop it on the stone pavers.

"Three guesses."

What started as an irritating exercise, has over the years, turned into an endearing game between us. The rules are simple. I have three chances to guess from touch alone what my gift is. If I guess right, I get a kiss. Needless to say, I've gotten really good at identifying objects based on touch alone.

Gripping the item tighter in my hand, I run the fingers of my free hand against what I'm certain is some type of metal.

"Be careful," he says softly. "This is no ordinary gift."

"You act like it's going to bite me," I laugh.

His arms squeeze gently around my waist as he presses his cheek against mine. If someone passed by and saw how indecently close we are, and informed our parents, we'd both be in for the lecture of a lifetime. Obviously, my parents, the king and queen, are very strict and keep a tight rein on me at all times. But my parents are lenient compared to Bastian's. His father is High General Cadmus Tarkin and is the most serious and scowl riddled man I have ever met. Despite the risk of our intimacy being discovered, neither one of us retreats.

"It won't bite, but I might," he teases, drawing a giggle from me.

"Ok." I refocus on the game. I'm super competitive and want to win. "Is it a paperweight?"

"No." He shakes his head and strands of his blonde hair brush against my face.

I let my fingers dance across the weighty gift once more and feel an indentation at one end and what might be a handle of some sort. There's a good bit of leather so I trace the edges and squint. I think I know what it is, but that would be completely out of character for my fiancée to give me. He's known for bringing me gorgeous jewelry, the finest silks, enviable clothing, and uniquely crafted trinkets –

"Is it a knife?" I ask timidly.

"Open your eyes, love."

I once again obey and open my eyes to see a small dagger in a leather sheath resting in my palm.

Bastian releases me and comes around, so we're face to face. His eyes are dancing in delight, and he looks incredibly pleased with himself.

"Do you like it?"

I, in fact, do not like it. I don't know anything about weapons or warfare and have no intention of learning at the ripe age of twenty-one. But I see how excited, how expectant he is, and refuse to appear disappointed or ungrateful. I will a smile to my lips and bob my head as if he had given me a handful of diamonds.

"I love it, Bas!" I raise up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."

"It's from Durne. May I?" I offer the bundle to him, and he unsheathes it. "It's made from the finest steel and forged by the most skilled Dwarven blacksmiths." Effortlessly, he flips it around his hand. "Well-balanced and lightweight, ideal for hand-to-hand combat."

"You consider that lightweight?" I snort and he laughs.

Bastian shrugs and places the dagger in its leather sheath. Tickling the silver hilt, he extends it back to me, but I don't take it. "You hate it, don't you?"

"No!" I lie, but he can see right through me.

"The truth, Shaye." He doesn't look upset, but he never looks unkindly at anyone, least of all me.

I let loose a sigh and shake my head. "I don't hate it. I just don't know how to use it. It'll probably just end up sitting in my nightstand."

"I can teach you how to use it," he offers, waving the knife with a smile. "Just in case you ever need to protect yourself."

I loop my arm in his and tug him through the gardens. "That's why I have you, my love."