Page 29 of Crimson Fury


My jaw is set as I stride down the dimly lit corridor.

There’s been too much on my mind – not least of which is the crimson-haired beauty who seems to be everywhere I turn. I’m so distracted as I’m walking that I barely notice the door to her bedroom opening as I’m about to pass it.

“Anton!” Scarlett yelps, rushing out of her bedroom wearing only a towel.


Her rich red hair sticks to her damp skin, framing her deep brown eyes. Holy shit she’s like a fucking vision. A vision that’s making my cock go hard.

“Scarlett,” I reply tersely, clenching my fists at my sides. The air between us crackles with tension, an electric charge that threatens to explode any second. It’s a charge that I know I have to ignore because as much as I’m attracted to this woman, it would be foolish to give into the urge. She’s taking care of my child, and so far she’s doing a pretty good job at it.

Stay away from her, asshole!

Complications are the last thing I need in my life. I have enough of them.

She’s clearly also unsettled by our sudden encounter. But in a second, her expression shifts.

“Sorry,” she says coolly. “I didn’t expect to run into you. There’s something wrong with the shower.”

“Wrong with the shower?” I repeat, struggling to maintain eye contact when the swell of her tits are on display.

“Yes.” She nods, gripping the edges of her towel tightly. “The water keeps going hot and cold. I almost scalded myself.”

“I’ll have Luka look at it tomorrow,” I respond.

“Thanks,” she replies. The uncomfortable silence stretches between us as I try to focus on anything but her curves beneath the towel.

“You should be dressed,” I say gruffly, realizing my voice is strained.

She glances down. “You mean this isn’t appropriate shower attire?” Her words are a challenge.

“It’s not hallway attire,” I reply. “What if you’d run into Nikolai…or Luka?”

“Nikolai’s in bed,” she snaps back. “And I’ve never seen Luka around here at night.”

“So who were you looking for then?” I ask, cocking my head.

“Looking for?” Her brow furrows.

“To help you with the shower?”

“Oh…uh…I…” She stumbles over the words, clearly caught unprepared. I step closer in spite of myself.

“Were you looking for me, Scarlett?” I murmur.

She was looking for me, alright.

What the fuck are you doing, Ulianov?

“In your dreams!” she snaps. But her cheeks have gone pink. I step closer still, until there are mere inches between us.

“I think you were,” I breathe out. “And that was foolish.”

“Foolish?” she squeaks. She is fussing with the top of the towel as if trying to hold it in place. Everything in me wants to rip it away from her.

“Yes…very foolish.”