Page 28 of Crimson Fury

If he lets me, that is.

“Great. See you later, then,” I say casually. I wave as if dismissing him, and then turn back to where I’m dishing up our meal.

“Uvidimsya pered snom, Niko,” he says, the words making my stomach flipflop again. I have no idea what he just said, but I wish it wasn’t so freaking sexy.

“Yes, Papa,” Niko responds. “See you at bedtime. And remember, English around Miss Scarlett.”

“Da, Niko,” Anton calls out, his footsteps fading down the hallway. It’s only when he’s out of earshot that I allow myself to breathe again.

For God’s sake!

I really need to pull myself together. He’s my boss, after all. Or captor, more like.

Soon enough, the boy and I are both digging into our plates with gusto. Nikolai chatters with the eagerness of a happy young child.

“Delicious,” he proclaims after a mouthful, then reaches for a hunk of bread.

I laugh at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, it’s great,” I agree, examining the contents of my plate. The stew is hearty and tasty, and I’m guessing it’s Russian, but then again, I’ve never really educated my palate.

“Miss Scarlett?” Niko looks up from his plate with eyes that are serious all of a sudden. “Can you stay forever?”

My heart skips a beat as I look back at him.

What the hell do I say to that?

I smile at Niko and reply, “As long as I can.” Honestly, I don’t know how else to respond. I know it’s not possible for me to stay here permanently, but I can’t just say that to him like that. He seems so small and hopeful. It makes my chest tighten. The kid deserves better than a makeshift nanny who’s secretly a professional burglar.

I don’t even know why Anton insists on keeping me here. It’s not like there’s anyone I’d tell about where he’s staying. There has to be something else.

“Niko,” I say gently. “Why do you think your father brought me here?”

He pauses mid-bite and looks up at me with a thoughtful expression on his face. After a moment of consideration he says, “I think Papa brought you here because he needs help.”

I let out a breath of surprise. That wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.

“What kind of help does he need?” I ask curiously.

“Well,” Niko replies slowly. “He needs someone to look after me while he’s working…and someone who could make me happy.”

“You’re not happy?” I ask.

“I am now!” he says brightly.

“But not before?”

He shakes his head. “My Mama was—” He stops short.

“Yes?” I press, holding my breath. This is the closest he’s come to mentioning the woman who is conspicuous by her absence. I’m pretty sure she’s no longer in the picture. Unless she’s out of town, and Anton Ulianov is the type to add “Cheating Bastard” to his resume. Somehow, I doubt that.

Nikolai’s lips pinch together and I sense that whatever he was about to tell me has been locked in a vault.

“Nothing,” he says. “I think I’m done. Thank you.” He pushes his plate away, and I realize that the conversation is over. Even so young, the kid’s a lot like his dad.

“I’ll take you to bed,” I tell him as I clear our plates. It’s probably for the best. I’m exhausted. And I’d rather not risk having to bump into Anton again.

But I’m starting to think it’s inevitable.

Chapter 11