Page 2 of I Hate You

“What?” Faith asked. She had the deeds for the house locked tight in a safe deposit box. When Nigel began to act irrationally, she had made arrangements so he couldn’t steal the deeds and take the house from her. Their parents had paid for the house and left each of them a small trust fund. Faith still had some of hers left, but Nigel had spent through his within weeks. It wasn’t a large amount of money, which is why Faith had always been cautious about spending hers. She’d wanted it to last.

Not only had he offered them the house, he’d offered them … her.

“You can’t be serious?” she asked.

“I’m very serious,” Gabriel said, taking a step toward her.

She refused to back down.

“Did you … refuse?” she asked.


What the hell did that even mean?

“Where is he?”

Gabriel was right in front of her now. He made no move to touch her. “Nigel is in a safe place, but he will only remain in that place if you agree to my conditions.”

What was happening? Where was Nigel? What did he mean by safe?

“What conditions?” she asked.

He smiled. “For the next month, you agree to be mine. You don’t argue. You don’t fight. You are mine, and if you think to act dumb, then know, when I mean mine, I mean, you’re mine to fuck, to play with. Your body is my toy and I can use you any way I want.”

“And if I refuse?”

She knew, deep down, refusing wasn’t an option. If she refused, it would mean bad things for Nigel.

He smiled and it wasn’t a kind smile, it was deadly.

“Nigel has been a rather difficult boy, and he owes a lot of people money. If you refuse, it’s simple, I don’t pay his debts. I’ll let them take it out on him. I’m sure a pretty boy like him would earn a good living working the streets.”

Faith looked at him. “I hate you.”

“I don’t care. I told you it would come to this. I warned you. You’ve got until tomorrow to make your decision.”

“How do I know Nigel is safe?”

“You’ll have to take my word for it.”

With that, Gabriel left her alone. The sound of the door closing seemed to echo around her home.

Staring across the living room to the mantel, she saw the picture of herself, Nigel, and their parents. They were all laughing. They’d gone to the beach. Faith hadn’t wanted to go, but her parents had insisted she come along with them. They didn’t like that she always seemed to put off having fun. It wasn’t that she hated having fun, but she always felt that work, studying, and responsibility came first.

Their parents had always told her to take care of Nigel, to make sure he was safe. She was the big sister, so it was on her to take care of everything. There was no question in her mind. She wasn’t going to let anything happen to her little brother.

Becoming Gabriel’s … toy was a horrible thing to even think about, but what choice did she have? Nigel wouldn’t listen to her. He was determined to destroy his life and now he was addicted to meth. What happened to that sweet boy? Had she screwed up so badly in bringing him up?

She sunk to her knees in the living room and covered her face with her hands. What would her parents think of everything that had happened? Where had she gone wrong?


Gabriel knew Faith would come and she’d agree to his terms.

He had no intention of harming Nigel. In fact, ever since he met the young man, which led him to his gorgeous, curvy sister, he’d made it a habit to take care of Nigel. Faith had no idea the circles in which her brother circulated. None of them were good. Gabriel had no choice but to keep the monsters at bay.

In his world, he was the biggest monster. People feared him, which is why they came knocking at his door with Nigel’s debt. It would have been easy to take that debt to Faith, but he couldn’t do it. She was a good sister.

He had no doubt she was convinced she’d done something wrong, that she fucked up in some way. The truth was, Nigel had been weak. He was easily manipulated and was taken down a path that very few were able to come back from.

Gabriel wouldn’t give him a choice.

Nigel was currently detoxing at one of Gabriel’s special retreats, which was a simple cabin out in the middle of nowhere, with one of the scariest men Gabriel could find, complete with a nurse and doctor to get Nigel through his detox. It cost a lot of money, which he was happy to spend because he knew his true target would come through.

Gabriel wasn’t a patient man. Faith was not an easy woman to please. He’d sent her flowers, anonymously, which she returned. The same went for the chocolate, the gift baskets. All of them had been returned. She wouldn’t talk to him. Often refused to make eye contact with him.