Page 3 of I Hate You

Her brother was the key to getting what he wanted. Now, he didn’t feed Nigel the drugs, far from it. Nigel was already addicted by the time he met him. He’d known this path was coming, and waited until Nigel was desperate enough. Now, he had all his pawns in play.

Sitting behind his desk at one of his restaurants, he waited. Gabriel had sent two of his men to collect Faith, complete with the dress he wanted her to wear. She was going to be his toy, so she would have to get used to being dressed like one.

Faith was all curves, tits, hips, and ass, and he didn’t want her to hide them, which she tended to do, and pissed him off. He was going to make her show off those curves. Not for other men to watch, but for himself. Any man who dared to look at his woman would pay the consequences.

He took a sip of his water and waited. Checking the time, he knew she would arrive in less than five minutes. If there had been a problem, his men would have alerted him and he’d have taken over, getting the job done.

He heard the clicking of heels a minute later, and looked up to see Faith, dressed in the deep-red, figure-hugging dress he’d sent with his men. It molded to every inch of her, highlighting just how curvy she was. He’d gotten her measurements right. The dress looked like it had been made for her, but then, he’d watched her many times without her knowing it. He’d committed her shape to his memory, and he’d been spot-on.

Both of his men waited outside while Faith stepped inside.

“Close the door,” he said.

She hesitated for a second, but then turned, and he got a good glimpse of her shapely ass. He couldn’t wait to have her naked and explore every single inch of her.

Faith closed the door, and then turned toward him.

“Have a seat.”

She didn’t say a word as she moved closer and lowered into the seat across from him. He noticed she kept her knees pressed together and clasped her hands within her lap.

“So, I take it with you coming willingly, you’ve agreed to my terms.”

“You think this was willingly?” Faith asked. “They arrived at my house, dress in hand, and told me to get ready.”

“And you think they wouldn’t have left if you hadn’t told them to?”

“Would they?” she asked.


“And what would have happened to my brother?”

“I’d have no control over that. It would be in the hands of the people he’s pissed off.”

She turned her head to the side and gritted her teeth.

“What is it you want?” she asked.

“I’ve told you what I want.” He got up from his seat and rounded the desk. Leaning against it, he grabbed the edge and looked at her. “I’m not going to repeat myself.”

“So … if I … have sex with you for one month, Nigel will be safe?”


“Do I get the opportunity to see him?”


Her hands clenched into fists. “That’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair, sweetheart, but then I don’t need to tell you that.”

“How do I know you’ll keep your end of the deal?” she asked, sticking her chin out, looking adorable as she did.

“You don’t know if I’ll keep my end of the deal. You’re going to have to trust me. I’m a man of my word.” And he was as well.

He always saw through his threats. If anyone crossed him, they paid for it. He was very thorough in that regard.

“Do we have a deal?” he asked.

“Will I … will you…?”

He waited. Her cheeks were a beautiful bright red, and he found the shade utterly charming.

“Will you hurt me?” she asked, not meeting his eyes.

“No.” He leaned forward, putting his hands on the arms of the chair, and moving closer toward her face. “But I may make you beg for more, crave my touch, hunger for it.”

“I’ll never crave you.”

Gabriel smiled. She had no idea who she was dealing with, but he had no interest in putting out that flame in her eyes. He loved her fire and intended to nurture it.

“Let’s go have dinner,” he said.

He had a rather exciting night planned, and he wanted to feed his prey first. Holding out his hand for her to take, she looked like he was going to bite her, and he would. Only when he did do the biting she was going to love it.

Faith put her hand in his, and he lifted her up off the seat. They left his office, and he took her to his own secluded booth.

Like every other night, the restaurant was booming. The menu this week was all about summer specials, and with the heat, it had brought people out of their homes.

He had a variety of restaurants, some that catered to the rich and exclusive, but most of them were like this—offering good food at affordable prices. Families, couples, anyone could eat here. Of all the businesses he owned, this was one of his proudest accomplishments. Even with his name attached to it, people didn’t shy away from coming to eat.