Page 38 of Take Me, Break Me

I bent and I kissed her softly, and still I could barely conceive of what the whirl of thoughts in my head meant. Why did this mean so much to me? She wants this? Then she kissed me back, avidly. I spent time worshipping at her lips before I pulled away. By then my erection was hard as rock and Jodie was flushed even more, and panting.

I found the alcohol wipes and cleaned off her areola. She peered downward, her tongue curled up against her upper lip. When I plucked the first needle from its cap, she whined a little, barely audible but it was there. I paused, head down, thinking. To reassure her, or not?

The urge struck me to ask her if she trusted me. Why then? No idea. Trust though. There’d been a time I’d taught her how to do an eskimo roll to right a kayak if she got flipped underwater. I’d asked her if she trusted me just before I turned the kayak over. She’d said, yes. But I didn’t dare ask her now because I didn’t want to hear her say no.

I figured I knew the mind fuck would send her flying if I did it right. That she’d enjoy it in that odd way she seemed to like it when I plowed through her protests. Yeah, really, deep down, she liked most of what I did. I was sure of that. Even, perversely, when she didn’t like it, she liked it.

I grinned. Damn. That thinking was so fucked. I was like Jodie, things in my head were not adding up.

I showed her the point of the needle, letting it shine in the overhead fluorescent light. “This, one just this size, I tried on my own skin. It hurts, but it’s bearable. Okay?”

“Nooo. Not okay.” Her eyebrows jerked as if a storm of emotions tore at her.

I leaned in and poised it an inch from her skin. “I know how to give injections safely. You understand that?” She nodded but her lip trembled. “I didn’t try it on my nipple, though.” I smiled evilly. “I’m not that keen. Now. Stay very, very still. This will only go in shallow and skim along under the skin for less than an inch, then come out.”

When I advanced the needle closer to her, she flinched, of course. Flinched too much for this to be safe. “You can speak for now. Until I say to stop.”

“Uh. Then, no. No, no. no. I don’t want this.”

“Are you going to stay still?”

“No,” she squeaked out, quietly. “I can’t.”

So I brought out more rope and a long strap, and I tied her to the table. Tied her breasts down too. She couldn’t shift far. Took ten minutes, but I did it. This time, when I approached her nipple, she could only watch, and whimper.

I wasn’t aiming to damage the precious milk ducts that a woman needed to feed a child, so I aimed a tiny distance from the nipple itself.

The needle tip pierced her areola, and slid beneath to the accompaniment of her high-pitched keen.

“Fuck. No, Klaus. Shit, shit. That hurts!”

“That’s the whole idea.”

I started on the next needle, slipped it in, along, and exited. By now she was only muttering fuck in a long stream under her breath.

“No more words, Jodie. You can take it.”

She gulped and nodded. Sweat beaded on her forehead.


I worked fast after that, and slid in four around each nipple. Eight in total. The tightness in her eyes said pain, but her high-pitched noises had become no louder. I’d thought of attaching these via string to eyebolts above, but no, too dangerous. Instead I looped string from her nipples to the D-ring on her collar and drew them in tight.

“Move too much and you’ll pull the needle upward. Got that?”

She whined a yes at me.

“Good.” I cradled her jaw, stroked along the line of the bone with my thumb. “Because I aim to make you want to wriggle and squeak. Though I can’t lick these anymore since you’re a damn porcupine.” I flicked her nipple with my fingernail. “I can do other things to you.”

I drifted my hand downward from her neck, caressed both breasts, smoothing the underside, weighing them, playing some more. Because they were mine. Her breathing slowed, deepened. I could see her surprise at the awakening of arousal. I moved my hand lower, taking my time. Her belly button served as a waypoint as I circled and circled it. Then down across her belly, and into the territory of her mons. She was bare – I kept her that way and shaved her most days. I smiled. From the apex of her slit, I could already spy her clit poking its way out.

Her breasts looked pretty circled by the needles. There was no blood apart from the tiniest blebs. All was good. Damn though. Now I couldn’t use the nipple clamps.

“I’ll be back.” I kissed the side of her breast.

Quickly I went around the table, undoing all the extra ropes and strap, careful not to catch anything on the points of the needles. The massager got plugged in next and I advanced on Jodie.

“You are not to come,” I said sternly. “If you do, I may decide to use more needles. Clear?”