Page 37 of Take Me, Break Me

Chapter 18


The needles – since I’d told her she’d be sorry, I’d been imagining using them as punishment.

This is wrong, had been going round and round in my head for ages. Should I, would I?

I wanted to do it so much. This would all end sometime soon. It was a good punishment. Maybe too good. Was it wrong? I still hadn’t figured that out. I hadn’t decided if I would use them.

I hadn’t tied her in bondage this restrictive for ages. From the couch, I watched her little squirms, as she tested the ropes to get loose. The unhappy pout and tiny scowl she sent my way had me striving not to grin. I loved that. Knowing it wasn’t quite what she expected added to the satisfaction I got from all this.

Where I had her sitting in the center of the dining table on the mattress, she doubled as a decorative centerpiece.

The shibari I’d done was beautiful, pushing out her breasts like ripe fruit. Perched in the middle were those pink-brown targets – lures for my tongue and mouth. Simply tying her, binding her, into position had stirred my girl and five minutes ago her nipples had been standing up pert and tight. Now they were flat but that only made her areola look shinier and succulent. They seemed to beg me to go over there and suck them. My dick twitched at the thought. I could taste them already, I knew them that well.

I had such a good idea for tonight. I’d been thinking about this for days, wondering if I should go there. Like Moghul recommended, I’d tested them on my own skin to make sure I could do this. Ouch for sure. But I had my experience helping out Jon now and then at his vet clinic on the island. His nurses tended to be away on the mainland on weekends, and as a regular fellow kayaker, I’d gotten to know him well on my early morning stints.

A pang of regret hit me. I missed being able to do those. An hour out paddling on the ocean with Jodie left here alone? No. I couldn’t do that.

At any rate, I’d become nonchalant about sticking needles into animals, so why not people, or women in particular? It wasn’t that difficult to use needles. And now, I had the best excuse ever. Punishment. I put my arm along the back of the couch and contemplated her some more as I decided.

She whimpered enticingly and wriggled.

The midway point of the rope looped at the back of her neck then went down and wrapped about her chest, circumnavigating each breast before the rope continued on down and dived between her legs. Her knees were folded up and strapped; her wrist cuffs were clicked to the outsides of the thigh cuffs. She was bent over like a little package. Every entry I wanted access to was available in an instant. But it was her breasts I wanted first.

I waited some more, pretending to concentrate on the TV, when really, I was going over what she’d done today. It had scared me. Not because of what it might have revealed to others, but because of what it had shown me about myself. During the minute or two while I’d driven in and exited the jeep, I’d been as insecure as a man clinging to a cliff edge by his fingernails. And I hadn’t been quite sure why.

If she’d gotten away, it would be before I could explain about anything, about my feelings. I figured that was it. Trouble was, I still didn’t know what to say. I want to hurt you, but I care for you? How dumb did that sound? I shook my head. Leave it.

On the coffee table the crop waited for me along with other implements such as the diamante nipple clamps, the clothes pins and the belt. I hoped to use them all on her. Soon. This needed to be a lesson. A slave caught attempting to escape, would expect to be punished. Which was why I also had the packet of needles. Twenty-five gauge. Tiny, but not as fine as acupuncture needles. I picked up the plastic zip lock bag, tossed it high, caught it. She paled.

“You know what these are?” When she didn’t answer, I rose, gathered up the other items and crossed to the table where I deposited everything at one end, a few feet from Jodie. “Do you know?” I opened the bag and removed ten of the needles.

“Of course,” she croaked, rocking a little on her legs. “I don’t want –”


Though she licked her lips she stayed silent. A thrill ran through me, all the way to my dick. One word and she was quiet, even in the face of this, something she obviously dreaded. Right now, I was king to her. And not because she feared me more than the needles. I knew she didn’t. It was from pure habit.

I went to her and gently laid her on her back on the mattress. Folded as her thighs were, sitting up might be hurting her.

I checked her feet for circulation trouble – for color and capillary refill. As a precaution, I undid the straps for a minute and massaged her legs, then refastened the bondage. She waited patiently, like a little doll.

Once I had her again how I wanted her, I studied her. Naked. A woman I could do with as I wished. In-fucking-credible.

I wrapped my hand about her ankle, held on tightly so she knew it was I who had command of her. A shiver shook her body. My nostrils dilated, my gaze focused minutely on her. I was the predator here. I. How many men in this day and age got to be as primeval as this? I could never explain this, how much it drew me. I doubted even Moghul understood.

“Do you deserve punishment, Jodie? For trying to escape?”

She squeezed shut her eyes then opened them again. I could see her ice blue orbs as she regarded me. Her lips parted. Her face was reddened and she breathed in tight bursts that lifted her breasts toward me. I placed my palm on the nearest one and waited. Her nipple crinkled. Then its partner followed. In the depths of her eyes, there seemed fear, astonishment, even lust.


“Oh God.” She shook her head, swallowed. Her voice was still raspy, as if she’d been out screaming at some rock concert. While I waited for her to gather herself, I shifted some strands of hair that had strayed into her mouth and across her nose.

“I…Yes. I do. I’m sorry.” Her forehead wrinkled. She shifted as if testing the secureness of the straps. “I don’t know why. This is…madness. But I want you to punish me.” Her words dropped into a whisper. “I don’t know why but I do.” Tears leaked from the corners of both eyes and ran down her face into her hair.

Hell. Transfixed, I stared back. I had not expected that reply. She wants this? I’m lost now. How can I let her go?