Page 97 of Switch Heater


“Hey, Ripley. I just wanted to see if you t could bring the girls up here now. Their parents sure have a surprise for them.” She chuckles. “There should be some extra car seats in the garage that you guys can use.”

“Yeah. They’re asleep right now, but I can wake them up. Violet is excited to meet her new sister.” I laugh.

“Mmhm. Yes, well, we’ll see you all shortly. Be careful.”

With that, Mama Talia hangs up.

I wake the girls and Syn quickly. Violet is fussy as I load her into the car seat Syn found and strapped into the backseat of our rental. She is the least happy about being woken up from her nap. Once both girls are strapped in, we head to the hospital, the radio playing softly in the background.

It’s a quick trip, maybe twenty minutes from Syn’s parent’s house. I carry Violet in my arms when we walk into the hospital as she sleepily lays her head against my shoulder. Lilah walks between Syn and me, holding Syn’s hand as we make our way inside. We ask which floor for maternity at the reception desk, and after getting turned around a few times, finally arrive in the right area. Mama Talia is standing in the hallway in front of a door when we get to the maternity wing, waving us forward excitedly.

I go to hand Violet over to her when we’re in front of her, figuring Grace probably doesn’t want me in there on such a special occasion, but Violet clings tighter to me.

“You can come in, too, Ripley. Grace already said so,” Mama Talia tells me encouragingly.

I’m surprised, but don’t say anything as she leads us all into the room. My eyes widen when it finally clicks in my head that Mama Talia had said the girls’ parents had a surprise for them when she had called. Boy, did they.

Instead of one baby, nestled in each of Grace’s arms are two of the tiniest, cutest babies. Another surprise? Instead of the bow hospital hats for little girls, they have regular hats with little onesies that say, ‘little brother #1’ and ‘little brother #2’.

“Holy shit,” Syn whispers.

Lilah gasps. “I got baby brothers! Mama, there are two!” She exclaims, running up to her mother’s bedside to get a closer look at the babies.

Lilah’s exclamation is enough to rouse Violet, and she turns around in my arms to look at her mother and the babies cradled in her grasp. She scowls, narrowing her little eyes on the alphas surrounding her mother.

“You said I was getting a sister. One! Those are boys! And there’s two of them,” Violet says angrily, her face scrunching up.

Uh oh.

The alphas and Grace all look at Violet, stunned. Unlike Lilah, Violet was truly excited about getting another sister.

“Vi,” Grace admonishes, gasping.

Hopefully, I don’t piss Grace off doing this, but this should be a joyful moment, so I’d hate for it to be ruined by the little girl getting in trouble for her words.

“Hey, Violet?” I set her down, kneeling in front of her.

She looks down at the floor, pouting with her little arms crossed.

“Hey, it’s okay to be a little upset, yeah? You were really excited about a baby sister, so I understand you’re disappointed. But guess what? A baby brother isn’t much different. You might not be able to play dress-up in the way of princess dresses and stuff, but you could still make sure they’re styled up nicely. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get away with putting them in dresses for a few years.” I whisper the last part to her, but it’s loud enough that everyone else hears and laughs.

Violet finally glances at me and grins. “Can I do their make-up, too?” She whispers behind her hand as she leans in close. I chuckle and nod my head.

“Ready to go meet your new baby brothers?” I ask her gently.

She puffs out her cheeks, taking my hand, and I lead her over to Grace’s side, helping her up on the bed so she can see them better. They’re so cute, with chubby little cheeks and curly wisps of white hair. I think it’s no point guessing who sired these little boys. Violet coos at the babies, running chubby little fingers across each of their cheeks.

When I glance up at Grace, she mouths a ‘thank you,’ looking at me gratefully. I just give her a smile and wink.

Soon after, Syn and I get ready to take our leave. Cal and Mama Talia tell us they can take the girls home when they leave, so we go around the room telling everyone our goodbyes. Since it’s unlikely we’ll see any of them before our flight home in the morning, Syn makes sure she gives everyone big hugs and kisses.

The girls each give me little hugs on my arms and kisses all over my face, making me laugh as they giggle. Mama Talia and Cal each give me tight hugs, wrapping me in their embraces, which makes me feel like I’m home, telling me how great it was meeting me and that they can’t wait until we see each other again. Grace gives me a smile but says nothing to me. That’s okay. Baby steps.

Syn gives the little bundles a kiss on each of their heads, squeezing Grace’s shoulder before heading back to my side.

It’s when she does that, I see it. Grace looks up to Syn. She seeks her approval, her love. It makes sense. Syn is the oldest and an alpha. Maybe the reason Syn and Grace have always been at odds is that Grace has tried so hard to be the perfect omega and little sister that Syn saw it as her being combative. Syn assumed they just didn’t see eye to eye on anything. And I’m sure they don’t, but that’s normal.