Page 98 of Switch Heater

When Syn is back at my side, I lean in and whisper, “I think you should give Grace a hug. Have you never realized that all she wants is your love and support?”

Syn looks at me, surprised, then glances back at Grace. She gnaws her lip before getting that determined look about her. Striding back to Grace’s bed, she leans down and wraps her arms around her sister. Grace’s eyes are wide, and two alphas each grab a baby so she can wrap her arms back around Syn. I see tears glimmer in Grace’s eyes before she closes them, smiling as she hugs her big sister back.

Alphas. This is why they need omegas.

Mama Talia looks at me, grinning and nodding her head. Syn whispers to Grace low enough that only the two hear what she’s saying. Grace responds, and then they release each other. Syn walks back over to me, taking my hand.

“It was really great meeting all of you. I hope we see you guys soon,” I tell everyone in the room.

That night, we don’t cuddle naked. We make out until I’m breathless, touching each other over our clothes and running our fingers through each other’s hair. It’s everything, making me feel cherished and adored.


Halfway through our flight home, Syn gives me flirty touches that make my blood heat. My panties quickly become wet with my slick beneath my black maxi skirt, and my nipples tighten beneath the black crop top tee I’m wearing. It has a pentagram and a cute pastel kawaii Baphomet in the center. I’m trying to keep from flooding this entire plane with my perfume, but the alpha beside me is really testing my limits. She raises a brow, and I narrow my eyes at her with pinched lips.

“How about we join the mile-high club?” She whispers to me saucily.

I gape at her. Is she serious? On the one hand, holy hotness. On the other, what if we get caught? Of course, there’s something about the possibility of being caught mixed with the taboo act that sounds like it’d be exhilarating. Am I going to do this?

I eye the alpha beside me, her eyes glinting with a challenge. I can’t resist a challenge.

I climb over her, sliding my legs along hers and pushing my ass out, wiggling it as I move to the aisle. She sprung for first-class tickets for our return trip, something about having the miles or whatever, so there’s more space up here and two separate bathrooms on opposite sides of one another. I take the left one, closing the door but not locking it.

Shit, it’s really cramped in here. This should be interesting.

I lean against the sink as I wait. It takes Syn about five minutes, but she finally squeezes herself inside the tight space, locking the door behind her. She looks at me with a predatory grin, caging me in, and I squirm beneath her gaze, impatient as always.

“We’re going to make this quick, Baby Girl. There are only two other people in first class, and both are asleep. You just have to keep quiet and keep a hold on that perfume, yeah?” She whispers against my lips.

I nod, biting my lips together. Syn’s hand disappears beneath my skirt, sliding slowly against my leg and tickling the sensitive flesh. My nipples pebble beneath my shirt, turning into sharp points, chafing against the fabric. Syn’s fingers pull my panties to the side, and she glides them between my lips.

“So wet for me, Baby Girl.” She groans softly against my lips before kissing me, swallowing the moan I nearly let out.

Rubbing the tip of her middle finger around my clit tightly, she makes me wiggle. My head falls back and softly hits the mirror. That finger soon glides back down to my empty hole, and she inserts it, curling it upwards. Her other hand comes up, slapping across my mouth to keep me quiet because she quickly realizes that I can’t do it on my own. Another finger joins the other, and then she’s thrusting them slowly, in and out.

My hips roll and grind slowly against her palm as she presses it against my clit, pushing me higher and higher. I swear I see fucking nirvana when I come on Syn’s hand. She keeps both of her hands exactly where they are, one over my mouth and the other pressed tight to my spasming cunt that’s squeezing her fingers tight inside of my walls.

Once she knows I won’t go screaming the plane down and my core relaxes, Syn removes both of her hands. She licks her slick-coated fingers, giving me a look with a wicked glint before unlocking the door and quickly exiting with a smirk, closing the door in my gaping face.

Fucking alphas. I stay in the bathroom for a while, locking the door quickly after Syn leaves. I decide to go ahead and do my business while I’m in here, so I squat over the seat because no way am I touching my ass to that seat. It’s difficult, but I get the job done with no casualties.

I wash my hands and then figure it’s been enough time now that I can leave the little room. My head is down, with my hair shielding my face as I rush back to my seat. Syn chuckles as I practically crawl across her to get back into my seat, tugging my buckle back over my lap and clicking it back in place.

A steward walks by, giving me a sympathetic look along with a grimace. I give her a confused one back. She doesn’t stop, so I can’t ask her what her problem is.

“That stewardess just gave me a weird look,” I grumble.

“Oh, that’s because I told her you had a severe case of the shits when she caught me leaving the bathroom and saw you in there. Told her I was bringing you some medicine to settle your stomach and that it must have been that suspicious-looking sushi from the gas station you just had to have. Can’t believe she actually bought it,” Syn tells me nonchalantly, snorting, and continues scrolling through a book on her phone.

Did my brain just explode all over this plane? Or did Syn just tell me she told the fucking flight attendant that I had the shits? Dear Gods. Please be the brain thing.

“Syn, Syn, Syn...” I pat my hands on her shoulder. “Please. Please, for fuck’s sake, tell me you’re not serious.”

“Sorry, Baby Girl. I needed a credible lie.” She gives me a fake sympathetic look and a pat on my head, going back to her book.

I fall back in my seat, glaring a hole into the side of her face. I know she can feel my gaze burning into her, but she ignores me for as long as she can. Finally, she sighs, dropping her phone into her lap and latching those steely eyes on me.

I don’t let them deter me. “Dude, why’d it have to be the shits? You could have just said I was projectile vomiting or literally anything other than the damn shits,” I growl out at her, clenching my fists.